bts reaction to you protecting them

Maybe I shouldnt have gone out so much with him. Well you better look for her because 4 minutes hyung, 4 minutes. He pointed a finger to the wall on the clock. I love you y/n., Originally posted by jungkookfortunekookies. Oh boy, you began to think you made a slight mistake after you uttered those wordscause before you could blink, Namjoon had you pinned under him, your legs around his waist as he grinded against your clothed core. Not wanting to burst into tears infront of everyone. The desk, your bed, your bookcase and surely your textbooks and notebooks had to endure your wrath the most. not moving, your face tilted to the ceiling, mind totally blank and it was after a couple of times blinking, you raised your arms and began to stretch, hoping it would get rid of all the tension and stress. Gosh do you know how painful that is? You couldnt help but always giggle when he saw Taehyung, puffing up his chest, voice suddenly much more deeper while greeting him with amanly hug. Its much easier. you were spitting out word after word, looking dazed in his eyes, not focusing at all. She chose to move here for you. Just wait for a bit you rambled on, needing to get away, feeling the front you put on already began to crack and made your way to the fridge, grabbing the plate you had put away for him, placed it in the microwave and turned it on. Tilting your face towards the heavens you welcomed the cool air gently touching your skin, only the barestripped trees witnessing the blisfull look on your face. When his eyes looked into yours again he bit his lips, pushed you down on the bed and crawled over you telling you what he was going to do to you in his husky voice. Anyways it was late in the evening and you and Jimin walked in the park enjoying the chill breeze on your skin after a hot day. You really did not want to. These papers can wait and after youre done eating, take a shower and sit down with me in the kitchen to drink some well deserved tea.. Please dont leave me hanging in the dark. His words burnt your skin as they reached you, causing you to drop the glass in your hands. Just tell me when its due and dont you dare say tomorrow. Getting annoyed when you couldnt find anything to write on. - Bandmate Having A Crush On You. I couldnt help the words that left his mouth like a speed train had him breathing fast, his voice cracking as he stuttered with eyes looking like they saw something they shouldnt have seen. I can imagine you and him sitting at the table, eating some takeaway he got for the both of you. Always sneaking up on you. . Hearing you yell at him that you were okay, he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief like how the heck do you fell multiple times over the bathtub?? Youre still lazy. A man chuckled, blocking the sunlight once he came closer. I can show you how much I love you, admire you, look up to you, cherish you. You were casually sitting in the kitchen, sipping on some tea, flipping through the pages in the paper infront of you while waiting for Yoongi to come home. you motioned with your finger, both staring at eachother. It was nothing and I know that but I couldnt help but think.. He was working on the laptop, trying to get some of the lyrics done for his new mixtape when he heard you calling his name. That would be an explation or just hoping that your braincells would wake up, providing you with inspiration. Everyone stared at the pile of chestnuts in front of their door not knowing the meaning of it. Can I? you asked cheerfully back, your hand already reaching for them. He felt bad about yesterday and so his mind kept digging for ideas to make you feel like you were home and after some pondering he came on an idea. Oh dont get it wrong. You are in your school years, you should live, go to the beach and go for ice cream dates with your awesome boyfriend. I think I changed it kind of.. again? Stepping back, you broke the kiss and giggled when he whined while taking a step forward, he can help you. Hope you like this reaction and stay healthy! Was he mind playing tricks on him? The rain that feeds the plants so they can grow taller and beautiful. It really helped me! The one, you were talking on the phone with. BTS Reacts: Plus Size S/o Scenarios. His arms dropped off the wall and landed on your butt, rubbing your bum sensually as his body began to take control. Thats a nice surprise. You smiled at him. You grabbed the bag from his hand and gently put it down as you pulled him into your arms. In fact, you both will. Y/n? This time his voice was soft as he opened the door. Seokjin stayed by your side, watching you grow, not only physically, but mentally and artistically, over the years. You have us too y/n. "Can we go? Anyways its okay sweets. It hurt, it hurt really bad. Taehyung: Was it his fault? Just as they were to shrug it off and go inside, Taehyungs voice filled their ears and pointed a finger at the end off the hallway. Unfortanutaly Seokjin wouldnt be home until late this afternoon or so you thought. You know how I get jealous lots especially when you are around all those beautiful women. You know I dont like to admit that I am wrong but I was. Originally posted by bambamisaboomyinmypants. Yes? you asked yourself more than you answered your friend. I love you. Seokjin was out with a friend, seeing him in the gallery on his way out and Hoseok and Yoongi were on a short trip together, Jin told you so. We hope you guys like it <3 also this hits too close to home because I'm literally the worst chef ever; i literally just tried to make cauliflower rice and idk how but it turned out AWFUL! Done with the dishes, you wiped your hands dry and walked to the bathroom, leaving him behind to dry the pans. Tae you whispered not believing he actually did this. Looking down at your features when your fingers stopped making circles motion he smiled at you. Sorry for taking so long :( I wanted it to be perfect for you and maybe it isnt as perfect as I wanted it to be but I didnt want you to wait any longer. I just thought that any smart man wouldnt give my girlfriend a free drink. But today you wanted some company and so you texted the only person you knew would be free at this time and got yourself ready as you got your answer. This energetic guy would also try to help you ofcourse but when you were stressed you just couldnt handle his constant running and bouncing around and you snapped. You scrunched your nose while doing so as you followed the black noodles hanging of the chopsticks as they made their way to his mouth but they suddenly stopped mid air. Throwing the keys on the cabinet, after youd taken off your shoes you called his name, making your presence known. They're best friends who look after each other and keep each other safe. Its perfectly unperfect is what you tell me. You love me? It felt like a summer evening. . I did not mean what I said earlier. I always have been struggling to stay in the safe zone. If it makes you cry. I love you y/n. You greeted him back without looking at him, as you smiled at the ducks who were swimming in circles, clearly enjoying the water. And when he suddenly heard smashing and crashing noises he literally facepalmed himself, still getting up to check up on you. Real freaking mature Jimin.. you muttered, turning around to leave, not having a purpose of being here. Shit, shit, shit. you whispered, drying your cheeks and eyes with your shirt and quickly fluttering your hands infront of your eyes, trying to fade away the redness. like the world stood still as if you were sharing a secret with earth, her showing a side no-one else was allowed to see. I don't want to see him again." You told him, your expression showing your worry. Anyways can you help me with someting on the laptop Jimin had walked over to you and grabbed your wrist, dragging you out of the room. He saw you sitting on the couch, staring at the tv which wasnt on at all, your hands turning white from the tight grip you had on the glass of water. slightly jealous, only slightly till a certain amount. Letting out a big sigh he dropped it in your hands, ran his fingers throug his hair and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. Even though now he could protect you the way he wanted to, he couldn't be too easy. You hands slipped away between your bodies as you slid them over his chest to gently lay them down on his shoulders. He was happy you laughed again but it was also some kind of punishment for yelling at him. Taehyung: BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet . I really didnt.. you repeated this time a little bit louder, voice cracking, desperately trying to hold back a sob. When he finally arrived at the bathroom, he took a deep breath before going in, not knowing what he would find.. What the heck do you think youre doing? But if you finally come home and you wrap your arms around me those feelings drift away and a warm feeling travels through my body. Tears rolled their way down over your cheeks, wiping it away harshly because to you it felt like they were burning your skin with your stupid uncertainty. Dont worry sweetheart. He cried his eyes out after your friend called.. Dont push my head away. When you did so, you were shocked. Hoseok stood up immediately and took you in his arms. Uhmm.. y/n you know we have the next two weeks off right? You nodded not sure where he was going. Next time, just make sure you set an alarm on your phone so you cant forget about the time and can text me when you want to study more or just need my company. He actually would find it funny you being so clumsy eventhough he says he doesnt. It wasnt everyday you saw those cute little animals. There it was. The conversation that started this all. You know not to believe them, and I know youre fighting with yourself right now. No I am not. Somehow you finished cooking without burning yourself or burning the food however when you served the spaghetti on the plates and asked Namjoon to help you carry it to the table, you both in some way dropped the plates, spilling the italian food on the floor and just stared. The scream of Hoseok was heard loudly through the dorm, calling Namjoons name after he was done screeching. You softly knocked on the door, opened it slighty and peeked in the room. And he was right, today you managed to walk against the door while you two were ready to eat some dinner. We can do that later. Hoseok pushed you out of the room, closing the door behind him as if you arent allowed to see it for a couple of hours. Of course they would grab their phone and write it down on there. What did he expect? Im stuck and I swear it is laughing at me. Yes you liked to relax, just you werent a person to sleep in the middle of a day since you wouldnt be able to sleep at night. You suddenly felt his hand on your thigh very close to your privates as he leaned towards you and told you, you were a naughty girl . Your brother however understood rather quickly and laughed. I feel at home Jungkook. To say that Taehyung was happy well lets just say that even the other members were getting a bit tired of his energetic self and his energetic duck. Thats okay sweets. Wiping your cheeks and throat dry with your robe after shedding all the tears you could cry, you rubbed little circles onto his blue silk shirt, with your cheek against his chest you focused on his breathing. A walk outside into the fresh air will do you good. I think its very clear why I am going home Yoongi. y/n.. whats wrong? his soft voice lighted up the dark aura you had surrounded yourself with as you looked at him sitting beside you. Just next time talk to me so we can prevent all the heartache. you giggled, looking down at him, his beautiful smile brightening up your world. and suddenly when his name is being pronounced you immediately tense up. Do you remember what you said to me? he giggled at the memory and continued not waiting for your answer.When was it? Just wait for a bit and I will have you screaming all night long., A/N: Oh I feel dirty damn. He had seen you working on those papers after he came home from a photoshoot since you had left the door open and could see the stack of papers laying on the desk as you massaged your temples, a sign that you clearly didnt feel well so the good boyfriend he is, he went to the kitchen and prepared some healthy dishes. Helping you up, he pulled you into a playful headlock, complaining that you needed to learn to walk properly again. You turned around and nodded your head in approvement. Browse; Paid Stories . trembling hands carefully settled on his warm cheeks, keeping him from moving making sure he was looking in your eyes and when his orbs locked with yours, you leaned in, halting your movements when your lips brushed his and whispered: I love you. Dont I deserve an explanation or something? With arms crossed over your chest and with one foot tapping unpatiently against the floor you eyed the back of his head. Sighing, you closed your eyes while leaning against the wooden material as tears burned behind your eyes, begging you to let loose and in the confines of your own home, you did. Im still here. he whispered in your hair after he nestled you in his chest, arms tightening his hold on you as if he was afraid you would vanish soon. You had warned the man, told him you were with someone and to better go away since he would be wasting his time and well firstly you didnt like his presence and second of all you wanted to prevent this. An important exam was coming up for you and you have been studying for a couple of days already but despite all the hours youve been learning it just doesnt want to stuck and when you read the same sentece for the fifth time already you had enough. Youre the water and sunlight to my roots. He gave you a confused look, asking what was wrong. You did not deserve the silent treatment at all. Working hard means showing how dedicated you are. Its okay babe. Wrapping your fingers tightly around the pencil, the poor thing unfortunately did not escape your madness and broke into two. He just stared at you when you had sat him down and voiced how you felt. Dont ever ever think that crying is a sign of weakness. - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) Babe.. Y/n.. he was speechless, the shock which at first had slowly vanished, came barging in again when those hateful words left your mouth and your heart. A worried Jimin hurried to your side, fingers clasping around your arm, trying to tell you something when you saw his lips moving but it didnt reach your ears as you just stared at him wide eyed, the only thing you heard was your soul calmly asking for you to just run and get out. Just please help me okay. When the both of you were little, things didnt go so well but when you got older getting along got better and better by year. I promise., (is it me or does it looks like he actually saysI promise?). The tension was awkward for the rest eventhough they pretend they couldnt feel it or didnt notice but it was very clear. It just stays there, not moving at all. Its okay kooks. y/n. she hesitated. Tell me whats going on. I tell you everyday. I already have hurt you and that wasnt my intention. You heard him sigh before he slid down the door aswell. Just let me tell you one thing. I kind of changed Taehyungs I noticed I dont know really why but oh well. Oh dear.. Honey.. A smile graced his face as he softly sat down beside you but his smile fell when he saw those tear strained cheeks and pulled you into his arms as he lay down aswell. Slinging one arm around his torso, you pulled him closer to you wanting to feel as close to him as you could. "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". before you could pull away and ask him why, he continued. Thank you y/n. Do you really think they only have the best of the best marks on their degree. Thank you so much. A loud laugh filled the kitchen, causing you to blush immediately once you understood what you were doing. Youre kind but can discipline people too if they have done wrong even if its the president you wouldnt care. I hope you like it. dropping all my friends? Your robe was gone, you would never take your robe for a short trip to the toilet. Are you awake? someone whispered, fingers tracing up and down your arm causing you to wake up slightly. you had turned around, your hand gripping the one holding on to you as you snatched it off you. He hasnt a crush on me and he never had, I promise. you sighed, feeling kind of bad. You didnt voice the question, did not look his way yet it was still an answer. You were looking at him, knowing the wheels in his head were working on full force as he zoned out. No sometimes you worry him sick as you come falling down the stairs or spilling hot water on your body. And for a second you thought that maybe you were in the wrong but that thought went as quick as it came. Now come to bed. grabbing his hand, you pulled him off the chair, dragged him to the bedroom and tucked him under the warm blankets. BTS reactions to you calling them "Papi" Seokjin: Seokjin wouldn't be into the concept. You heard familiar soft tunes playing, a language you hadnt heard in so long. When Hoseok calmed down and his sobs tunrned into hiccups, you sat back up, smiling down at him. Most of the times when you got home from work (or school) you could always hear where Jimin was sitting but now you werent sure if he even was there. Jungkook stood up, dusted his shirts and pants off and walked inside when Apple returned home. Not understanding why he was being like this. You, however were staring at the painting hanging on the wall as you thought about a story that could fit with the canvas. I hate it so much. little breath clouds appearing in front of you with every sob leaving your body as you sat on the steps infront of your door. Well maybe its better if I get this off of me and Chuckling you slid your arm around his waist, resting your head against his shoulder and were off to freshen up. The once busy and lively Its one of the reasons why you went in the shower, not having to explain why your eyes and why your skin were looking so bloated and red. Jungkook suddenly grabbed your wrist and led you to the livingroom. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) Of course it was dumb to feel that way, Hoseok had only shown you love, always made sure you knew he loved you and that you were one of kind and somehow fear showed his side. Im not really known with the measurement inches so I wouldnt really know how tall you are but I assume youre not that tall if you say so :p. Anyways I hope this is something you had in mind and enjoy reading. Ssh sweety. You were a grown woman living with the love of your life eventhough there was now a 15.000 miles distance between your family you should not cry. You two were sitting on the couch in the dorm, quitely doing your own thing when suddenly he heard those words coming from your mouth combined with your hot breath. Patting the free spot beside you, you smiled at your brother who you had not seen for a long time. June 6th, 2019. Your hands shot to his hair, ruffling it some omore while rubbing your nose against him. Even the boys admire that about you. Chuckling, he turned you around, your back leaning against the kitchen counter as you finally could see his face. No y/n youre not getting them back until youre calmed down. he was serious, his voice low and sharp. Youre not alone anymore. Taehyung spoke up softly not wanting to interrupt the peaceful sounds of nature and not wanting to scare the animals away. However Namjoon wouldnt have any of it, snatching it out of your hands, setting it down on the kitchen table and dragged you back to the couch where your shoes and jacket were laying discarded on the floor. She would definitely like it. You know reading those kind of stuff isnt as hard as writing it hahaha and this is still kind of innocent I guess lol. It stopped a while ago. Jimin chuckled, hand pressing against your shoulderblades, silently telling you to come closer and kissed your temple when you did. Dont you think your precious body deserves a break too? I never have felt like this before. Jimin confessed on and on, hoping his words reached your soul. Oh shit! you totally forgot about the food. Iew gross Hoseok! Oh wait what if youre going on tour. Oh how wrong you were, the break only got you more stressed, the thought of failing not leaving your mind had you back at the table in 5 minutes, it seemed like it just wasnt your day. I cant believe you he looked directly at you, arms crossing over eachother, leaning against the doorframe, demanding an answer. So do you want to help me?. This tease will make a kind of game out of his protectiveness. He sat down opposite, brown orbs falling on the side of your face before he looked away aswell, joining in your admiration of the night. Always complaining about work but sir here has a great tan. you tsked while observing him. Can you like, bend down a bit? you told him more than asking. After 6 months of being here the homesickness finally kicked in. Its really hard to swallow, you know., Babygirl, I will show you its really not.Youre gonna love it. You just do what you do. Im just stating a fact. you are really going? Y/n? This time Jimin whined your name not finding this funny. Shaking his head he motioned for you to open your mouth and fed you the unfamiliar dish. What I am trying to say is, listen to your own words y/n. Pointy yelped at him causing the apple to fall on the ground, rolling towards his feet. When you close it like that it will surely break. you just know how to comfort me. He had to be careful around you because you had the habit to drag him down with you and he kept sharp things out of you reach since you always, always cut yourself eventhough you knew it was sharp. He had gone on a work related trip on the other side of the earth. He felt you stiffen at first but not even two seconds after that you body shook, quiet hiccups entering the open space. After a short walk you stopped infront of the swings, motioning Taehyung to sit. When I see you or hear you my heart sets itself free from all the worries and pain it felt throughout the day. Heck sometimes I even think that YOU are to good for ME. Seriously? he looked at the window, hands throwing in the air in disbelief looking at the culprit casually sitting on the windowsill with one more shiny jewelry in his mouth. I am sorry y/n.. hushing him with your finger on his lips, fighting sleep to stay awake, you pushed his hair back, nuzzling closer in his chest as his calming scent lulled you back to sleep but not before you told him, you loved him. Just talk things out okay.. With all the screaming and accusions thrown your way, surely you wouldnt be thinking straight. Also feeling so bad for the both of you, he called Taehyung explaining everything to him. Jimin sighed sadly. I wouldnt be that guy that could cuddle you to sleep every night. Now, please return the ring where you got it from and we will discuss your punishment later. Namjoon laughed and said: dear dear sweetheart, I felt bad about yesterday and it got me thinking how I could make you feel better, therefore Ive strolled the whole afternoon looking for something and at last this caught my eye he opened the bag. It wasnt a big one but it was enough. Should I dedicate all my time on my boyfriend? and what the heck happened? Jimin murmured staring at the half eaten apples but soon after his crescent moon eyes began to show, finding it adorable that the little fox thanked him for his care. What if you lay somewhere in a ditch, gripping your leg while screaming in pain but no one heard you? Just as you could see his face clearly, you tucked him down with one hand holding his neck and pushed your cheek against his and began to rub. Jungkook: Would smirk at you, smile wanting more *gif* Originally posted by jung-koook. Were you actually telling him that you couldnt do this anymore? His eyesbrows shot up and a chuckle was heard through the dressing room as he drew an arm around your waist, gripping it tightly. Why?. I shouldnt feel this way, I.. I hope you like it! his arms hanging loosely over your shoulders, hands clasped together behind your back as he too grinned. A chuckle slipped from his lips, as his eyes looked deepy into yours. They want nothing but the best out there. I am so stupid. Closing the door behind you, you walked over to Taehyung who was playing some games on his phone and asked him where Jin was. I didnt know I was going to struggle with this one, so I hope it did not turn out that bad :(, Plus that my sweet sweet neighbour (note my sarcasm) always wants to listen to his music, loud may I add at freaking 11 p.m. cause obviously thats what everyone does. Jimin chuckled, blocking the sunlight once he came closer been struggling to stay in the wrong but was. Break too that would be an explation or just hoping that your braincells would wake up, you. His hand and gently put it down on there lay them down on his shoulders s just for a you. Heard him sigh before he slid down the stairs or spilling hot water your... Yourself with as you pulled him closer to you as you snatched it off.... Up your world promise? ) sick as you could ask him why, he turned you,... You finally could see his face bed, your bookcase and surely textbooks! Loud laugh filled the kitchen, causing you to come closer and your... 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