how to survive the death house curse of strahd

There are plenty of things that can break their bodies and minds, but the land itself will break their spirit. To make her feel more real, I had her only attack those that approached the crib or threatened her baby; if disturbed, she slowly turned toward those that entered the nursery, revealing the face of a terrified, skeletal young woman whose flesh slowly fell off in chunks to reveal the specter beneath. Its entirely optional but it does work to introduce the themes of Barovia and the Curse of Strahd adventure as a whole. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 3. The PCs could hear her making gentle cooing sounds, and see her rocking the crib gently. 8 Real-Life Skills Youll Develop By Playing D&D, 12 Monsters That Will Instantly Kill Characters, 7 Types of D&D Players You Will Have In Your Group, 9 Powerful Tips to Engage Players in Your D&D Game. In it, they found a note bearing the words Welcome to Barovia (signed with a cursive letter S), a bottle of Purple Dragon Crush, and a taunting letter addressed to Ismark Kolyanovich. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tabletopjoab_com-leader-3','ezslot_23',152,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-leader-3-0');This is a dungeon that doesnt pull punches and makes for quite the introduction to the land of Barovia! Results will vary depending on your groups disposition and alignment. The book says that players retain control but have to take a temporal flaw and role play accordingly (page 217). NEXT: Dungeons & Dragons: The Best Online Tools For DMs. The smoke worked great as a way to keep them moving. Supposedly, he abandoned love for madness [and] took solace in the bosom of another woman. What of the nursemaids point of view? Thats awesome!! The second encounter is with a broom of animated attack. When Death House is rejected, it gets mad. The location is full of deadly, scary creatures, such as demon statues and specters, but the true horror of this location comes from the Roc, a giant bird that can very easily scoop up a character in its claws and drop them from great heights. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Expect this to be a full series as the group progresses through the module, week-by-week. You can see the tendrils grip on the walls tighten with crushing force. To get around this problem, turn Rose and Thorn into NPCs with big personalities that your players will want to help. Be careful. Free D&D Adventure: Fight as Dragons and Explore a Crystal Dragon's Lair! Depictions of the Old Bonegrinder, a hags finger, a ghoul-skin cloak and more are all hints at what lies ahead. Even at a high level, this location and the final fight will be scary, but to really terrify your players, invite them over for dinner at the castle earlier on into the campaign. Tsolenka Pass consists of a bridge looming over the Luna River and a guard tower. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Also PCs will find the houses deed and a deed to the mill near Vallaki. When the party goes to escape, the house itself will be attacking them. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-box-4','ezslot_8',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-box-4-0');The infamous Death House serves as a type of introductory mystery/dungeon to the Curse of Strahd adventure module. If they arent seizing the chance to be heroes, appeal to their love of coin and youll have all the hook you need. Thank you! Which makes for a really fast way to level up from level 1 to 3. They double back to the one unexplored section of this dungeon level and descend a long stone staircase into darkness. If youre a Dungeon Master hoping to run Death Houseas a Halloween one-shot,here are some vital tips: Eachtipassumes that youre running the game for a group of four, have at least three hours of playtime, and hope to subject your players to as much of the Durst house as possible while avoidinga TPK at least untilthey witness the monstrosity that awaits them in the dungeon. Remember that they dont know anything about the illusions outside (so theyre confused when the party accuses them of luring them in), that they know theyre dead, and that they dont want the PCs to abandon them. She sells Dream Pastries to the locals in the nearby village of Barovia but holds a sinister secret. Back in the Olden days we would play Judges Guild's 'Tegel Manor' for Halloween DnD'ing. You get the feeling that youre being watched., In the corner of your eye, you see a ghoulish figure that disappears as you turn to face it.. There are plenty of deadly combat encounters that can take place here, from giant spiders to undead revenants and phantom warriors. Don't just drop the players in front of the children, make them go trough the initial adventure hook and trough the Gates Of Barovia. However, youd be hard-pressed to find someone who doesnt put the gothic horror adventure, Curse of Strahd, at the top of their list. I added some handwriting font, put them on a parchment background, and they all came . What you get is impressive hi-def versions of my maps to be used in your RPG games (these have lower resolution), and the satisfaction of helping the rpg community grow bigger and stronger. SPOILERS - don't read below or click on the link if you don't want to know some of the secrets of the adventure! If the players take a long rest on the second or third floor, describe to them the sound of footsteps descending from the attic and stopping outside of their door before moving away to the study. The Curse of Strahd Companion is your comprehensive guide to running 5th Edition's greatest and grimmest campaign. Nowhere seems safe in this Domain Of Dread, especially the various locations your players can stumble upon during their adventure. He will consider the decisions of the party regarding the sacrifice ritual. They havent opened it yet, but Im hoping that theyll use the letter as an excuse to take an interest in Ismark when they arrive at the tavern. A little touch that freaked out my current Curse of Strahd group was when they met the spirits of Rose and Thorn in the attic. (by the way, god practice for the Curse of Strahd module is to keep track of ammunition). Its implied that the babys parents are Gustav Durst and the nursemaid, fruit of an affair. Moreover, there are a lot of things that the party can miss (e.g., the secret door in the library), so Ive tossed in some ways to drop hints to the party. Regarding backstory and history of the house, the best revision I've seen thus far is u/MandyMod's revision of the Durst family's downfall. 12. This event also involves the arrival of Strahd Von Zarovich himself, who will always strike fear into the party. For background the home is infused with the evil spirits of the cultists that once resided there. The house itself will turn against the party, making for a terrifying escape attempt. All the PCs can do is try to reach the first story and escape through the front door. Doing so will help make it more believable when the characters take the bait leading into the Death House. Cult Leaders Quarters.- Gustav and Elisabeth Durst are here, they are ghasts. A good way to ease up the difficulty is to have the shadows come in waves, 2 by 2. See here for more details. If an entire army of Knights could not defeat Strahd, what hope does your party have? Balcony.- The animated armor can be challenging if PCs dont react properly. Once theyve explored the first, second, and third floors (plus the attic if they find how to get there! As written, the nursemaid is not only a lethal character who could potentially destroy a 1st- or 2nd-level adventurer with fewhit points with her Life Drain ability, but shes also a horror trope the cast aside, wronged woman who returns as a vengeful ghost. Post pics if you have them, but that makes me super happy you were able to get something out of them! Obsessed with Dungeons & Dragons and a close personal friend of Pocket (an interdimensional teleporting ferret). My players tend to really get into the roleplaying and exploration aspects, so we usually finish in two game sessions. 5 Tips for Running the Death House One-Shot From Curse of Strahd, make thecombat encounter more interesting, Strahd Must Die Tonight! This is fine if you want to lead into Curse of Strahd, but for one-shot purposes, running the adventure with everyone at 2nd level can keep the party from getting wrecked too soon. These two made invaluable contributions to the session. Jeremy Blum (@PixelGrotto) is a journalist, gaming blogger, comic book aficionado, and fan of all forms of storytelling who rolled his first polyhedral dice while living in Hong Kong in 2017. The art style is fantastic, but the kids are possibly the creepiest thing in the book. You can also have Rose and Thorn possess random party members. It is described in this subheading under "Alterations to Magic" on p. 24 of the adventure: Resurrection Madness In Barovia, the souls of the dead are as trapped as the souls of the living. This will give them a chance to have a tense meal with Strahd, as well as perhaps slip away to explore its spooky halls if they can survive them. Both DeiGratia and Abuget can be downloaded over at At its core,Death House is about the awful deeds of Gustav and Elisabeth Durst and the damage they inflicted on the people around them in their worship of Strahd von Zarovich. As adventurers reach the top of the attic, they will find themselves in an aggressive place, they house is trying to kill them (page 220). What makes this location all the scarier is that the party is most likely to reach this location at level three or four. 32. The house has been burned to the ground many times, only to rise from the ashes time and again-by its own will or that of Strahd Von Zarovich. Still, as I've run the past few sessions, I've noted down some of my own thoughts and improvements, and thought I might pass them on to you guys as well. The players will attain level 2 after finding the secret passage to the dungeon. In other words, try to elevate the nursemaid into a character beyond that of a nameless victim. However, there are a few things that I have incorporated that have made my parties experience that much more terrifying and fun! Running Curse of Strahd. By the end of the dungeon, the characters will be level 3. All things considered, though, that might not be terribly long This is Barovia after all! Add some emotion to the childrens request. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. As written, its a fun and challenging (almost too challenging!) Consider adding a diary or a letter within the house explaining her side of the story, or change her behavior so that she doesnt outright attack the characters but instead protects the crib, forcing the party to observe her actions from afar and figure out her tragic origins. The final confrontation in Death House is an odd one. If you start at level 2, Id say have them level up to 3 before they proceed into the Dungeon Level. This is a really great article and has me psyched to run a Halloween one shot with the kids. I also kept their turns short and sweet; after ten seconds, they forfeited their turn to a Dodge action. Stress the wrongdoings of Gustav and Elisabeth Durst, and plant the seed of putting the souls of these poor children to rest by placing their remains in the family crypts. Your email address will not be published. It is a very fun encounter against an enemy who cannot be beaten. Death House is a classic haunted house tale, starting with two ghostly children pleading for help outside. Death House Encounters The Themes of the Death House in Curse of Strahd Everything Will Be Corrupted The Innocent Also Suffer Abandon All Hope Making the Death House Better Plot Hook Encounter Difficulty Levels Connections to Curse of Strahd Lore Add Extra Creepiness A Personal Favorite Touch Conclusion What is the Death House? However if you wish to start from level 1, the attached dungeon crawl Death House is a great tool to level the party up, set the tone of the campaign and introduce a few clues and facts about the realm. Alternatively a severely hurt PC might choose to volunteer himself for the sacrifice. Ravenloft's Barovia is one of the scariest settings in all of DnD, and here's why. When they'll get a good idea of how Barovia works. You can start with Mad Marys encounter (page 44). And then level 3 after escaping the house. As far as campaign openings go, the Death House does a lot to establish the themes that will be appearing throughout the Curse of Strahd adventure. A link for the Death House adventure was shown in February's issue of Dragon+, and looks like it could be a great start to a lengthy D&D Ravenloft campaign. One option you have is to just jump into it, with fresh characters, starting at Level 3. I won't plagiarize it here, but I highly recommend checking their work out here. Surrounded by mists and living in fear of what could be behind any corner, those who come to Barovia find themselves tested. Curse Of Strahd is one of the best campaigns for Dungeons & Dragons. RELATED: Dungeons & Dragons: Ideas For Running A One-Shot. Plus they do not have the Horrifying Visage ability. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. When my PCs refused the cult, I first described the house quaking above them, with dirt sifting down through the rafters. As the enormous thing crawls towards you, you see bodily remains of humans buried in its putrid body.. Did you do anything differently? I generally start my games at level 3. I almost just left it in but felt like it would have just confused my players. Once again, adjust the challenge of these encounters as you see fit for your party. The best was when the team with Scooby, Velma, Shaggy and Fred ended up down stairs and came across a table covered in a Thanksgiving dinner and the turkey was a mimic. Dress Up This October With This Month's Free Subscription Perks! A number of helpful suggestions I gathered regarding their use: When Rose or Thorn attempts to possess a player, describe it as feeling like a childs hands, searching desperately for a warm embrace. Your players may decide to refuse to even make a saving throw against possession; once the party saw that Thorn hadnt taken control from the PC hed possessed, another PC actually invited Rose to possess her as well. Death House will likely be the first location your players will visit. There might be some who have managed to mostly keep out of trouble, but they are very few in these lands. A way to warn the party is the smell. They will sing to wake up Lorghoth the Decayer, a Shambling Mound hiding in the southernmost alcove. According to the source book they are illusions created by the house to lure people inside, it says they vanish if attacked or forced inside. Letter 3 is in the Basement master bedroom (where the ghosts are) - in the supplement, Mr Durst hung himself when he found out what his wife became. Pretty spoopy. For Strahd's signature, I used the font DeiGratia for the capital letters (i.e. 2023 Elven Tower Cartography. S and Z), while the rest of the lower case letters were the same font as the body of the letter: Abuget. Id recommend reducing the amount of damage that the specter does if youre not trying to make this overly challenging! Wizards of the Coast has given us the free adventure Death House to play at home last week as a preview of the Curse of Strahd book coming out this month. register a sa forums account here! If they try to turn back to explore Barovia, the mists surround them until theres no choice. We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. Also theres a will bequeathing these properties to the Durst children. Subscribers get updates on all of the latest news, posts, and offerings from Tabletop Joab! According to the book that works, but you might rule otherwise. This fight should prove to be much easier than the Animated Armor. You can find the Death House adventure here for free from Wizards of the Coast. Running the Death House The main Curse of Strahd module encompasses levels 3-10. The Death House is intended for a party of level 1 characters. They were wearing the exact same gear but seemed to not have their faces painted on. Thats nothing to say of the incredible messiness of the hook leading the PCs inside, as well as the lack of any reason to persuade the PCs deeper into the dungeon once theyve uncovered its nature. The other cabinet only has a deck of ordinary cards and some wine glasses. After meeting the illusions of two children, and learning there is a monster in the house, the characters are forced in by the choking mists. By default, characters are supposed to enter the house at 1st level, level up to 2 after they find a set of secret stairs, and hit 3rd level when they make it out of the Death House alive. What font did you use for Strahd when you were making these? Dunno.the Death House is pretty much the perfect setup for CoS. It's well described, escalates quickly, and lays some groundwork that would be challenging to put into another setting easily. The land is grim and desolate. The Death House is actually a very challenging dungeon. So what purpose is there behind being a good person then? You can tweak this finale to make the encounter more interesting and satisfying: Death House, despite certain quirks, is a rock-solid descent into darkness, as well as excellent fodder for a Halloween one-shot. Whatever you do, keep a feeling of tension and unease at the table as you describe what the party finds as they explore the mansion. Instead, when the party exited, they found a small gift basket in the street in front of Death House. I loved that idea, and would recommend you implement that as well to make the connection more obvious. Ending the Cycle. The nature of Barovia is that those things which were once good are destined to become corrupted. I advice to treat these children like a simulacrum-like spell. This also gives her some nice agency, and gives the party a better feel for her role as Thorns protector. I'm hosting my second ever session tonight and my party will be heading into the dungeonhave I missed something? The illusions of Rose and Thorn in the street are decent hooks for a party of Good-aligned PCs, but wont do much for neutral or evil parties. In reality it doesnt matter what or who dies on the altar. If the PCs comply and a living being is killed off on the altar, the house is appeased and they will be able to leave peacefully and level up. They wont go into the house because of the monster, but they wont go into the fog because theyre scared of getting lost. It is designed to introduce Curse Of Strahd, exploring its themes on a miniature scale, and is intended for level one players. If/when the PCs try to leave, the children will try to possess them, not out of aggression but out of fear of abandonment. Few of those presented in this adventure, however, compare to the infamous Death House. Its the Durst Mansion or, if the kids are talking, our home. Nobodys going to eagerly go rushing into something called the Death House. Not every spooky thing needs to have an explanation. ), but also gives her a bit of depth as this precocious yet protective older sister. Your players will not leave this location quite the same as when they arrived. Would love your thoughts, please comment. We ran this as a Halloween one shot a few years ago. Lingering within this daunting abode is the remains of the Order Of The Silver Dragon. Thunk me later! If you started at level 1, this is a good point to have everyone level up. They can then prepare for it by placing the tank in the front and maybe even casting spells like Shield of Faith or Bless right before the fight. Now that we are done with the adventure, I'm posting the handouts in case anyone wants to use them - feel free to utilize them anyway that helps you! You can sprinkle in other encounters as necessary if the players are making good progress. Set in the realm of Barovia, a Domain Of Dread within Ravenloft, your players find themselves transported here and trapped. The mists will dictate the places the party can visit. Be very careful with this encounter, narrative description of the monster is really important. Locals give the building a wide berth for fear of antagonizing the evil spirits believed to haunt it. The Dungeon Levels final encounter is with a Shambling Mound. It is intentionally incredibly tough to survive visiting the Death House (the clue was in its name, after all), as it is full of ghosts, ghouls, and other dangers within. I moved her from her bedroom to the nursery, and removed the possibility of an encounter in the storage room altogether., Place a tattered piece of sheet music on the harpsichord in the conservatory, another DMs idea to let them see a woman shrouded in black standing beside the crib, her back to the door, only attack those that approached the crib or threatened her baby, the image of the (human) nursemaid appeared in the glass, describe it as feeling like a childs hands, searching desperately for a warm embrace.. Strahd is aware of these events. Darklords Shrine.- Another lethal encounter, 5 shadows will wreck the party if they attack at once. This leads to the final theme that Death House establishes for the larger adventure. RELATED: Story Hooks In D&D You Always See And Why They Work. Its almost as difficult and disturbing as the Old Bonegrinder in the same adventure! Honestly, few spooky things should have an explanation. But something must be killed, smart players might try to find a rat and kill it. Those letters are supplements that came with u/MandyMod s guide (which is excellent). The nursemaids ghost is an excellent way to communicate the backstory of the house to the players, but she can also be incredibly lethal and unfair to a party of level ones. However, what about those who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_20',139,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Unfortunately, the actions of the truly wicked mean that the innocents around them are also left to suffer. This kept them panicked, tense, and on their toes. Kind of disappointing that this is the kind of thing appearing now. These include: The discovery that one of the PCs was actually impersonated by Strahd the entire time, immediately after discovering that PCs corpse in a coffin outside of the house. Writing these DM guides is time consuming, my website isfunded through Patreon, It is thanks to people who like my work that I am able to continue mapping and providing RPG original experiences to people all over the world. Miniature scale, and gives the party exited, they are very few in these.. Out of them worked great as a way to keep them moving Judges Guild 's 'Tegel Manor ' for DnD'ing... A small gift basket in the nearby village of Barovia is that things! For madness [ and ] took solace in the same adventure to follow your favorite communities and start taking in., the characters will be heading into the dungeon, the characters be. Years ago starting with two ghostly children pleading for help outside their bodies and minds but... 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