jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes

Did he say that salvation would come through his blood? According to legend, the shroud was secretly carried from Judea in A.D. 30 or 33, and was housed in Edessa, Turkey, and Constantinople (the name for Istanbul before the Ottomans took over) for. Therefore, the Holy Spirit had to provide the Y-chromosome, and it had to be a special Y-chromosome. Let Jesus answer your questions, dont put your salvation in stake, or you will be eternally sorry for avoiding this advice of me, that already in close relationship with Jesus in my daily life. And by that I rest my case thankyou for listening my God be with you all, Remember that God created a man and a woman , not babies ! When the time is there we shall find out, and the time is soon coming! Yes he know why? why some peoples are rich some are beggar? She produced you without a male, since she was alone (and) in ignorance as to what lives through her mother because she thought that she alone existed-, Thank you for this explanation. !AND HE DIED FOR MY SAKE ON CALAVARY,, AND RESURECTED ON THIRD DAY TO BE MY LIFE AND RIGHTEUSNESS, AMEN. This is why in a few hundred years, they will be considered as tales, may be useful for establishing commonly acceptable moral values, but not real stories. Equality amongst men if properly implemented is not bad at all. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How does that fit in to Adam & Jesus? that not begin at the womblike the other creature (one cell animals) that came to exist without the woman.. Perhaps,you did not understand what you read, or you had not done so. Actually, science can explain almost nothing, for example: Also, we have been give the ability to take the scriptures and look at physical evidence and apply our human ability to reason. We dont understand, who is the male you are talking about? The Bible stands, pure. amen brother jesus is god According to your Quran, Isa (Jesus) is alive in Heaven. Words of God are very very powerful and amazing but your struggle is perfect. All the holy prophets are that booster who received date information, instruction and implementation power from centre of divine power and distribute it as per acceptability level. I gave him the answer above and he told me that was the best answer he had heard yet , Friend I would like to tell you that JESUS will not come back more .but CHRIST the SON of the MOST HIGH G-D have already came Dont you know? The Male released his Y-SPERM only, coz or else JESUS had to be a GIRL!!! The 23 chromosomes helps to form a baby and the fathers chromosomes decides gender of a baby, But Watt claims in Jesus blood they found an extra chromosome. 12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Cain/the evil one? Because I know you exist and youll forever be the Immortal and Mighty in Battle. Our problem is, we dont have enough faith. the hatikvah the hope lyrics texts music and videos of the national israeli anthem shabbath shalom! Epigenetics is in tune with the Bible. He found no fault with them and every time He read from them, He indirectly approved them. There is human biased speculation and then there is teaching from the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things. god be with you . v/r Steve Passage. WHEN HE DOES WRONG, I WILL PUNISH HIM WITH A ROD WIELDED BY MEN, WITH FLOGGINGS INFLICTED BY HUMAN HANDS In fact, if he found 46 chromosomes I would have my doubts because the argument would be that it was simply the blood of a human being (except of course that the white blood cells . The words of God are not amazing, they are the truth! I believe, did not receive any genetic contribution from Mary. So, this is very interesting. We are all unique and individuals, but from the same body. All of this information has been suppressed by governments and even religious leaders around the world. Now, researchers are using forensic techniques to argue the blood . ?, God is in places where people are at peace, where wars, genocides, natural disasters have never or where people have never tasted any of the above!! Thank you very much, Otto. This body was the body of Christ. Glory to King Jesus. easilyso he choose the right term and right wordlike God did to Moses. His shrine as a holy man has been visited for 2000 years If only the writer did the analysis based on Spiritual terms, it is very easy to prove that Adams spirit is the same as the Spirit of Christ. Marys father was Heli. Thank you for your comments. Psalms 103.8 He was telling us about the natural body and the spiritual body. And he will be called If the suppressor genes are bountifully expressed, there will be no cancer. John Doe, like everyone else, has several cancer suppression genes. August 30, 2017 PRESS CONTACT. I believe the Holy Spirit conceived in her an entirely new zygote with 46XY chromosomes.,then..created And since when has God had the need to prove himself to you or any of us? Think about it: all humanity came from Adam, including Eve. my brother God have mercy in you. God gave Jesus Christ exactly what He needed and only what He needed to become a man. I tell them that I am just growing in my faith and understanding. So the Holy Spirit had to have inseminated a virginal Mary with the \"Y\" chromosome of the one true almighty G-d of Abraham. The teaching on this subject is wrong. so the image of God should not be meant of literally HIS BIRTH PLACE WAS FORETOLD AS IN BETHLEHEM!!!! I sit with my brother at my hostel and begin to converse I begin, brother!, do you know that our mother has never existed , he just realizes that may be am not in my senses. In a brief report, the authors . Yshua bin Yosef could not possibly be the Son of Man, neither could he possibly be Adam because the name Adar was changed to Adam from the beginning and is in Hebrew the Son of Mans name. Our DNA is in Him and cannot die; that is why it is important that we are in Christ just like the Bible says. But those that do not that do not love Him and the truth is not in him and is lier. But all born in Adam actually dont have a immortal soul or immortal spiritthey dont have a divine nature or divine life in their self. However, as i know it, that Jesus (GOD) original intention is to restore Humanity by object of reconciliation and his sacrifice on the cross as the Lamb and that the DNA ws from Jesus to Adam (Man referred to as Adam) sinned and came short of Gods Glory!!! -But I shall call upon the imperishable knowledge, which is Sophia who is in the Father (and) who is the mother of Achamoth. Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He read from the Hebrew scriptures as they existed in the Jewish temples at that time. the symphony of HIS SPREAD! It says that. This fits very nicely into many, many scriptures. Who is gods god??? By doing so, youre validating the source yet invalidating the source at the same time. John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Therefore it may just be wise on ones part to humbly look at these in relation to what religion or JESUS may be trying to communicate. Jesus was the son of Mary (man). Faith is precious and can only be used when we dont see. Now is the time to use our faith and build treasures in heaven, treasures we can all share and enjoy. Anyone can see that this is a logical . Matt 1:1(NIV). Achamoth had no father nor male consort, but she is female from a female. Then Jesus talks about how He, Jesus, is in the Father and the Father is in Him. People of faith do not need relics in order to . Marihot Tobings comments seem plausible and present another more realistic view of Jesus, who cried bitterly on the cross My Go, my God, why have you forsaken me. Because of his inequities which are very serious, like. It shows what I have explained to be true. As Dr. Eugene Dunkley states in his article on the genetics of the blood of Christ, 24 chromosomes is exactly what would be expected if a man was born of a virgin. But, also he had to overwrite all of Marys mutations so that He, Jesus, would be the pure Lamb of God. Spirit support this program and energise it through effective communication and data network solution from centre headquarters Through booster or satellite. Gene pictures are totally different genes are an alphabet they say different things, they are also of a long-lasting substance, it is as different that Jesus was a man and so was a sinner. Here I can see that all of you who are commenting on the issue of God and mankind have intelligent brains that can be utilised to sit back and think how all the creations came to existence. Dear Robert, The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. And, we know that Jesus, the Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit. It is still big that God would subject Himself to being the son of man. Yeah, I see what kind of scientist are you at genetics ( means that if you are a scientist, you cannot use bible as a reference). Chaplain Jerome Newland, Philippines, this chaplain Jerome tell me as the religious person you are how many phidos are hiding in your churches. However, later in His ministry He took on all the sins of the world. When you study DNA you see that it is a language. Now God himself came and shown the DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY THEREFORE SCIENCE HAS DEFINED DNA TO SHOW HUMAN GENOME WHICH IS STILL 98% IS UNKNOWN ONLY 1.5% IS RECORDED .THEREFORE THE REAL TRUTH IS REVEALED IN CHRIST WHICH IS 100% MANIFESTED IN CHRIST DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY. (Different species have different numbers: cows have 30 pairs, chicken . God bless. I AM COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED !BUT I MUST DO MY PART AS jESUS DID HIS. The Body of Christ was created on day 6 and was perfect with no sin and no mutations. So Jesus must have the DNA of Joseph, his real father. i realy love to read this kind of information, If Mary conceived without a mle sperm then the child would be a clone of the morther. Luke 1:32 (NIV). All those who received revelations from Allah, the most beneficent the most merciful, The Lord of the universes. Everywhere there is God & God nothing except God. He then said that on one of the crosses there were human bones and blood that had dripped down into the sand. How do we measure darkness: by the absence of light. Mere Nano-Specks that you, me, your Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses or Mohammad were, should have been fantasized to gods regardless of their great human stature and services. Not only so, but at various other sites . However, our mental and physical health is not fully determined by our DNA, our epigenetics take control. He was a Jew, as me and many others. THIS BROUGHT ABOUT THE CONCEPTION OF JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR. Physical body have thousands of components connected and interface each other, life is existed in this body in the different forms of energy that activate it till death and controlled by system software read only memory and language programme. Why do you think He would reveal himself to us in the Bible? As Dr. Eugene Dunkley states in his article on the genetics of the blood of Christ, 24 chromosomes is exactly what would be expected if a man was born of a virgin. -based on DNA. A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus' biological father was 'non-human'. For one person to meet every single prophecy, from generation after generation of prophets priests and kings the odds I saw once were 7,000,000,000 to 1. This way the genetics of David would remain as well as the orally and written history accounts of the Jews. dear wang God has limited our capabilities for example you can stand on one leg but can not stand by lifting both legs.You can see forward but can,t see from your behind.When you were a child you could not think like this as God restricted your thaught and as by the will of God you grown up ,you are pointing out the presence of God.there was not a single ipressin of you and you were created but now you are grown up and have to die and have to answer GOD. I think if Jesus had 50% of Marys dna He would have been born in sin.i dont think we carry the dma from Adam before fall but after. Robins grow up to be robins and humans grow up to be humans. Dont forget it. (1 kings 11:9-13). Everything Jesus does is ethical. 35If he called them gods to whom the word of God cameand the Scripture cannot be broken. (5) What is the force that holds atoms together? What would an egg cell have to do with epigenetics ? There are measurable chemical differences in snow formed at different temperatures, so ice cores provide a record of polar temperature going back around 250,000 years for Greenland and 800,000 years for Antarctica.( ) ,maybe this work for you; meaning this can be an available eye witness, one of the many that can tell the pass dont stick to the translation palyes your right there are some translation that is not right but dont close your mind with that belief, look for another options..a right translationill ask you what translation that you read already that is wrong? So, here we have it: there is a battle between the mutated gene and the cancer suppressing genes. This is done through the quickening Spirit of Jesus. Our natures demand conflict, until you make a choice about what the conflict is really about, you find peace and you stay where that peace is. Romans 6:8 Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. No matter where you go you will not be able to forget whats been said. A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus biological father was non-human. He was God and man; however the genetic lineage must go past David all the way back to Adam? Life is a choice., The selection process in the formulation of all is the way of life we might be able to live what we expect., Corresponding causal process [is] that the purpose of all as expected., Everything has been perfected in Gods creation., And to consider all ciptaanya.agar positive human worship and avoid the things that make human beings in a negative causal formula. sir, you coated that jesus has missing mary it true? i just need an understanding of your heart that science also can explain today. God is God, not someone you can put limitations on he created the dog , the cat , the elephant but he did not have the traits of those animals .. Our minds are too feeble to try to explain God or limit his powers ! We, at are geneticists; we think about DNA much of the day. Therefore, He also had two copies of all genes and two copies of DNA. if u believe on Him u`ll b z church of christ , Jesus was not a protestant or catholic He was right man! How do we measure cold, by the absence of heat. This one had a full set from mom, and then a single Y chromosome, definitively proving its authenticity as the blood of Jesus. Their integrity is assured by their Lord and not just humans but all creation is a witness unto that for ever. When did god divorce Mary so that she may marry Joseph? It is interesting that God used the term very good and not perfect. I suspect that the perfect DNA is coming to us later, perhaps at the rapture. I have known people who think they are independent gods and went astray. In a previous Blog, we discussed Adams DNA. Please let me inject that the Hebrew word for gods is actually Elohim. Thats what Paul was saying. Ask the millions of fallen-away Catholics like myself who have liberated themselves from such mass hysteria and b.s. The Bible and Science. (KJV). Jesus is NOT Son of God, and Jesus mission is not to cleansed all our sin. May the most Merciful forgive us and guide us to make the right choices for we are too poor to comprehend and act aright by ourselves. The Quran is most eloquent, most precise and concise with regard to encompassing and explaining all phenomenon. So God had the ethical right to do what He did. The doubt here is on account of knowledge which is dependent upon our appreciation, comprehension and cognizance. additional blood components found on red blood cells, specifically the M,N, and S antigens. 3) Teaching against Gods doctrine of tooth for tooth. Despite these very obvious inequities, people continue to worship him. There are 23 chromosomes from the mother and a "Y" chromosome from a father. These disciples would most certainly. the blood is AB Positive (very rare) the blood contains 23 chromosomes. Father ,Mother ,Son =GOD, This is wrong. The Gospel According to DNA. You must break down all walls in order to see science, God and the Truths of The Universe clearly! Did he talk about the trinity? So technically God ra well, you get the gist. The Bible is always right and way way ahead of our science. In my opinion, this is how you provide the best possible environment for your epigenetics. if so why are we arguing about jesus DNA. The gospels confirm each other, especially Matthew who could take shorthand; so, we know Jesus words were accurate. Thats the way He did it, thats the way He will always be. The only way to tell if a book is the book of God is by the prophesy. The said word of God in 2 sam.7:12-14 about why Jesus, the descendant of David will be punished by men is so clear and that it is not for the sins of others, but for his own iniquity. Those who will not accept a gift are not acceptable. They are the losers we pity, its people like yourself who laugh and scoff, they wanted to believe that the were finally going to be free of all this place, and go to be with someone special, and someplace special, no matter how misguided or what they misunderstood, they got the idea that what Jesus offered was better than anything here. But what we do know that this creation was wonderfully made. We have to do what God tells us to do. We are sorry that you have had bad experiences with religion; so have we. If you look at a mother she is generally very nurturing, caring. We enjoy the good traits and overcome the bad ones. I dont believe we, individually, are a god, but we are in God. happenby. We need to learn to be more discerning and to ask hard questions of those who make claims, even when they seem to support Christian belief. If Jesus is the son of God, then for sure he would have the DNA resembling that of gods. All our original DNA is safe in Jesus. God is not in hiding he is with us everyday. just myth. Hello children of the one true living God, please give our heavenly Father glory, honour, praise, and worship. Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem Google it and you will see how it works. Mary kept it secret. If, like the Bible says, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and Mary, He would have 46 chromosomes. In Christianity, Adam was formed from dust and made flesh and called the first Adam; Jesus also became flesh and was called the last Adam. My dear fellow sisters and brothers in Jesus please the time to play is over the Kingdom of God is at hand and He do love you all the ones that keeps His commandments and believe in Jesus Christ as His Son. If the Quran is so correct, why referring to the bible? why some are more powerful some are weak? Two chromosomes in human DNA have been "fused" by some sort of process we don't yet understand. In which the Head is And we are in Him, in His DNA. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. When the sperm penetrates the egg, the two sets combine to produce your own chromosome, which you pass on to your children. Dear G & G, with all due respect, as a former student of Genetic Engg, I must unfortunately and entirely disagree with you Hypothesis. Those of us who study Hebrew realize that the scriptures Jesus read and our modern Bibles are very close in meaning. Sequencing all 24 human chromosomes uncovers rare disorders. You are leaning on your own interpretations. To answer you there is none greater then God because from the beginning of genesis things were greated and today man were not there when it happend so how do they know what happend in the beginning God word went out and to this day still exsits tell me a if anyone are the age of 6000 jears old. You dont understand how DNA works. 1 Corinthians 15:45 Thus it is written, The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. itself are already existed, the Church are with the Apostle amen, yeah its right god we know is everywhere because he is powerful of all of us when a boy see a peny he will said that im powerfull but god do that for him. Godcreated.EvefromAdam..DNAEve..isnotGod. You didnt know the truth about God because evil blinded you and deaf and full of anger and full of demons inside of you thats why you dont even feeland you cant explain how life is beautiful with Jesus living in the body oreated by Him! 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