the crowned clown ending explained

Then the death of Officer Jang and the unnecessary pain the Queen had to go through while grieving for Hasun. This is a critique of the show alone. Grrr. Lord giseong is a prince as i understood. Also, I long awaited the story of how the twins were born and one was sent away so both were equally Royal. What was the point? What a load of crap! You will receive a link to create a new password via email. What type of clown is Pennywise? Maybe even shown the Queen's Lady having a hint of interest in him. When I thought it couldnt get worse, it did. I know they were trying for something similar to the movie Dave but it did not work. Jong-rim and Jae-gu, who got to take the civil service exam because of Minister Lee, offer to help Ho-geol get revenge, but Ho-geol says theyll only lose their lives. But of course everyone can have its own opinion. I've watched enough sageuks to understand the ethos even if I don't always personally agree with it, and am disturbed when social conventions and obligations of earlier historical periods are flouted, or treated as if they don't exist. First she lost the king, now she lost the clown. Both Moo-young and Eunuch Jo advise Ha Sun to have him come to the capital to protect him, but Ha Sun says that people will be killed if Aisin Gurun attacks. It was a suitably heroic end for a loyal bodyguard. She orders Ha Sun to confess to colluding with Aisin Gurun and disrespecting Ming, their ally. Did he wish on one of his hazelnuts?! The queen dowager thinks a moment, then gives him permission to invade the palace and remove the clown from the throne. Both of them walked right into Ha Sun's traps. Thank you and I very much understand your pain, rage, disappointment, every other similar emotion you may be feeling. He deposed the queen and abdicated, then suddenly passed away. Thats right, these bad people need to be punished severely! But then they killed Moo Young for no reason and it made me so inexplicably angry that I cant seem to move on. Hope his next drama also does well. Yeo Jin-gu was also just so much better and fresher as Yi Heon in every way. Which means they both died. ;-). The sweeping under the rug of the regicide, adultery, and treasonous impersonation issues was problematic for me. Dal-lae should have reunited with Ha Sun. The goodbye scene to Eunuch Jo sniff so beautiful so sad. Everything you have written about this show is exactly what I felt towards the ending. Thanks s lot for this essay! He reminds us that to be a man is to make mistakes, to laugh and fool around. ;-). The dog keeps . It might have all been clear to Koreans or anyone else who knows the province names, but it seems to me like they were jerking us around by having the general from near the northern border turn around and then having another general turn up like magic. I can believe lots of things, like time travel, zombies or moving with one suitcase, but not having scouts when you know the other side is expecting reinforcements is so absurd it's offensive. 1. At the end of its fifth season, The Crown has taken viewers through much of the turmoil and strife that engulfed the royal family over the course of that . Gotta say though, I did enjoy the political aspect of this series even if it was neglected in the last couple of episodes. Bonus points if it's a sageuk. Here is hoping that they'll space out the upcoming sageuks. Hello? appId : '127538621120543', However, the clown is a dual symbol. SO many eye rolling inconsistencies with the time period it took me right out of the whole story but I enjoyed half it at least thanks to the actors. I am now pushing on with JEONG DO JEON (35 of 50 episodes completed.) Even jin pyong and dowager queen found it out in the last minute and the whole thing happened within 3, 4 months. One that is like a wolf trying to be a sheep and telling everyone that it is a sheep, when its actually still a wolf. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page Then Officer Jang and him could have travelled far searching for the queen, end up in this town at the end and reunited. Because they do make sense. In the dark of night, Minister Shin leads the rebel soldiers to the palace gates and orders them to kill the tyrant king. It was cleverly placed so he wouldnt appear foolish but experienced in many avenues of sports which pleased me very much. While writing this analysis, I found out that "The Crowned Clown" was directed by Kim Hee-won, one of the very few female directors in the K-drama industry; she also directed the recent hit "Vincenzo." (Dang! However, they should have shown the Queen passing on so that Ho-Sun could have been stated met her in the afterlife. On his way to meet up with So-woon, Ha Sun senses someone behind him and whirls but whew, its only Moo-young. 4 Jul 2021. An emotional farewell with Eunuch Jo (now Royal Secretary Jo) ensues and Ha Sun leaves the palace for good, following after So Woon who left the palace just before he did. Like you, I'll pray to the Drama Gods that we be preserved from simultaneous sageuk scheduling in the future. The cast and crew can be proud of their production; But I guess they all live together happily ever after. This drama you have to choose the ending I chose he had died then she did and he came to get her so they could go together to heaven. Minister Shin orders his men after him, but the instant Ha Sun is through the gate it slams shut, cutting him off from his soldiers. But im note sure what was recorded of the kings in those days, like to what extent (like records on poop lol that was hilarious ). Ah.I just can't forget how foolhardy Hasun was to leave without protection when he knew that he had so many people against him. ;-). In re-reading the ep. I was expecting more repercussions and a deeper analysis into these morally grey characters, but their actions, especially the murder of Yi Heon, were brushed over in simple strokes, diminishing the weight and impact of these moments. And some shows just seem to have an initial hump that I have to get over before they draw me in but then from there on out it's smooth sailing. Poof. I was caught up in some work! But hes not finished surprising us yet, as he contemplates a decision that could change the future of the entire nation. Thank you, Peony, I'll give a look if I have time. }); Among the antogonistic, closed-mided high officials, there was a belief of a there being a clowned crown. The ending was really beautiful. Welcome to the world of sageuks. Btw, it's wonderful to see you back on the comment section <3. I agree with you that I would have liked to seen Yi Heon's back story pre crazy King and addiction. They showed a lot of "dream-like" features for that last scene in particular which suggested how they both died and are actually meeting at the after life : ( ( ( (. I don't know whether it was the difference in tone between it and CROWNED CLOWN, too many details, or what. To show how good and righteous the Clown was? :). And no maid will serve you water if youre not Team Good. But the main flaws I had with it are Jang's demise and So Woon's reaction to Ha Sun's disappearance. The reason why this never happened in Joseon is because of the way they keep tap on the king's every movement. I found the ending a little stretched don't get me wrong, I always want happy endings and in this case a life as commoners for Ha-Seon and the Queen, but it seemed to me that the story was wrapped up that way to create suspense about Ha-Seon fate (and, I think, to give us assurance that his life will be safe in the future). It was a treat to see Jang Gwang reprise his film role as the King's eunuch. But then they killed Yi Heon off, and Ha Sun was just too inconsequential for me. Director Kim Hee-won is a new discovery for me, and I definitely see why everyone praised her as they did. It made it interesting. Do not base it on a doppelganger trope, only to IGNORE the implications and potential and importance of that doppelganger trope. She enters the palace at the pre-arranged time and finds Ha Sun alone in the throne room. And all conflict and tension that should exist because of a Clown being a fake King on a throne and surrounded by people that want to kill him, goes away. It was quite unpredictable and almost each episode ended with a cliffhanger . I especially liked that the twists were simple and not that many. . Keith Bernstein/Netflix. That's all we need, they said. I didn't even recognize him from his turn as wild and crazy PD Lee Gang in RADIO ROMANCE. My sister's 1st one was MLSHR, and now she thinks it's the BEST ever Sageuk in the whole world and uses it as a scale to measure other Sageuks. The end was quite disapointing, I mean the jump in the future was useless. He didn't even try to run. I must have been bonkers. The recaps were enough. Working myself into a lather wasn't good for me. I don't care how emotionally satisfying others may find the ending, two years in a coma without modern medicine is just so absurd it takes me right out of the story. To kill off Moo Young and leave Ha Seon with literally no one but So Woon? I dropped this drama once Yi Heon died, but have been keeping up with recaps only to be disappointed with what the writers have been doing every episode. What a complete waste of time. I just wanted the man to be happy. He does as So-woon asks and sends her from the palace to wait for him while he ties up some loose ends, and they arrange to meet in the village soon. Sorry if I might be nitpicking, but along with Jang's death, I even felt betrayed by So Woon's initial reaction to Ha Sun. And I'm very happy for YJG that he finally got a drama worthy of his talents. The King comes back later, as a cameo and as an excuse for conflict but we will kill him off because he's really not important to the Clown's story now; he's in the way. The Crowned Clown Season 1 2019 16+ A low-class commoner clown, sits in the throne of the King who is in peril of losing his country. In this video, we give a full ending expla. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { The good points : the instrumental music (the OST was so beautiful and went well with the scenes), the humor ( I kind missed it at the end), the scenery (it was beautiful), not too much characters (I tend to be lost when there are too much Ministers in the same clothes). That's how much attention to details that was being paid to the king and his daily routine. The Crown season 4 ended with Christmas at Balmoral. Decent show, awesome costumes and props. There was so much dormant potential with this turn of events, yet this treasonous act wasn't delved into further which is a shame. I was lucky, it was so beautiful about music, acting, costumes, and I appreciated that there was balance between politics and romance. Minister Shin takes advantage of the confusion to try to sneak Prince Jin-pyung out of the palace, but theyre stopped at the gates. Because the show wouldve been more interesting, and wouldve made more sense if he had been treated as his necessary pre-existing character, and therefore storytelling cornerstone, (and Jingoos acting) deserved and required. The palace is thrown into turmoil and at the center of this chaos is our clown King, Ha Sun. In the drama the writers won't be able to keep the clown on the throne in the end or they'll have to deal with some angry Korean viewers. We learn that the soldiers who arrived just in time were General Kims, Lord Yoos old friend. Yes it depends on the perspective. The internal and external forces driving a wedge between the monarchy and its people seemed overwhelming, and someone with a weak resolve . The basis of him getting on the throne was not exactly morally right anyway. Legacy? This went on for 3 or 4 times, the guard took advantage of it and oneday ordered to kill the disrespectful guard who is laughing at him (but actually the real king dressed in guard clothing ). He gave an incredible performance; Too forced. C) Most of what could have been a semi-satisfactory end to a once potentially good show ended up being So Woon wandering around in tears because she thought her husband was dead, which surprise! And it's this point that made the drama very interesting. Not bashing the show, these are just my thoughts. Thats all. Got bored reading the comments with such fervor to bring the drama down. But none of that had any real stakes. Lee Bang-won in Six Flying Dragons who murdered his mentor and is thus one of my favorite characters of all time). Ha Sun writes out his abdication, then stamps it with the royal seal. He believes that nobody should sit on the throne who wants to use it for personal gain, and that he wants to step down because he wants to go back to being one of the people. As soon as its done, a weight seems to lift from his shoulders. It was a character with a vision for his country. Shiver!! I was devastated with the ending, but thoroughly enjoyed the whole series. Minister Lee : he was really a great character. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access Then not explain the gap of two years It aired simultaneously with PBG's Moonlight Drawn by Clouds (MLDBC). The Crowned Clown: Episode 16 (Final) by LollyPip It's time for our clown to sink or swim on his own, and one wrong move could mean his death and the death of everyone he cares about. When Kab-soo and Dal-rae's clown troupe arrived where Ha Sun had intended to rendezvous with the former Queen, I wondered how the guardian managed to leave his job working for the navy in Ha Sun's hometown. Lord Giseong is crowned king, and Ha Sun dresses in common clothing as he packs to leave the palace. ;-), "From the masterful acting, to the cinematography, to the heart-pounding soundtrack, ..", I can't agree more than this. To me this drama was about Haksan and his quest to get the Dadong tax law passed. But Im also not surprised that he burned out quickly he wasnt raised to rule a country, nor did he ever really want the job. Who did take care of him all this time?" created an account to say, I totally agree with you. I recently read a forward (by Don Baker) to the Korean historical novel "Encounter" (1986) by Hahn Moo-Sook where he makes the point that scholars writing history are constrained to probability whereas novelists are constrained to possibility. His fears. The King : I think it was sad they didn't show him more as a Crown Prince. But Ha Sun states that he has committed no crimes, because the secret letter was his way of protecting the nation, which is his duty as king. It was one of my most fun and blissful experiences here at DB. She had nothing to lose and maybe something to gain by ratting him out. Gotta watch the final episode again.??? At first, for a while, I thought that when he finally learned the truth about Yi Heon dying, he would be the one to kill Haksan. I can't handle 2 or more at a time and it makes me sad when they compete for the ratings. Where was Ha Sun the whole time in those two years???? Is he now AWOL? She stops when she hears a little girl making a wish to the goblin that protects the house as she holds a cracked hazelnut. It signalled me that it's highly probable he doesn't have enough control over the other departments either, which are Plot Consistency, Believability and Execution. Because the show you THOUGHT you were getting, the doppelganger plot with the tension and juxtaposition created by that, is actually a different show altogether. Mohamed Al-Fayed's expectations for his son Dodi are the cliff upon which Season 5 leaves its audience hanging. Unanswered questions. It's an interesting interpretation, but I prefer them alive :). That's a leap as big as Everest, but okay, fine. I was relieved that he survived the rebellion, and presumably will serve the new king for years to come. A. Why even give us Yi Heon as a character with a backstory to begin with if youre just going to do that to him. Can you guys recommend me another good political show? Hence I've been making an effort to be somewhat detached and not take CROWNED CLOWN too personally. Prince Jin-pyung is in bad shape from his gut wound, but he tries to act like its nothing when the queen dowager visits him. Finally its time for Ha Sun to go. Poor Moo-young is hurt that Ha Sun tried to leave him behind, and Ha Sun marvels, You really have fallen for me! LOL, that joke never gets old. At the very least, he would have to be conflicted about it, because he was only obeying Haksans orders because they came from the king or were in the kings best interests. But then theres no indication he ever did learn the truth, and he kept serving Ha Seon as king, and the show then tried to pass off him dying to save Ha Seon (after Ha Seon has already abdicated the throne) as being the same thing as dying in the line of duty as a royal guard. Kwon Hae-hyo delivered with bells on in the ruthless social-climbing department until Lord Shin inexplicably lost the plot at the end of the show. A character as significant and prominent as the King, doesnt even have to be on screen for anything that happens to him to be very important to how your plot plays out if you want your plot to make sense. I stopped watching at episode 10 since I had time-constraints and felt that the pace was a little slow or maybe just that I lacked time. An emotional farewell with Eunuch Jo (now Royal Secretary Jo) ensues and Ha Sun leaves the palace for good, following after So Woon who left the palace just before he did. Jang Gwang's steady presence was a joy -- especially when Eunuch Jo was blending into the woodwork and meticulously inspecting the curtain pull while Haksan was going ballistic over Ha Sun early in his residency at court. Other than that, I loved this drama and I'm sorry it over. I've seen a lot of fictional sageuks but they all stuck with their time period. I give the story, props and acting 9/10 and Haksun (Chief Secretary) could get an 11/10 for his acting alone. However instead of this being a huge and important plot point, and an opportunity for properly developed conflict and climax, this is practically swept under the rug. Because they went about writing it completely the wrong way, and the premise was flawed from the very beginning due to how they decided to tell it. For his death, Jang's felt like a dream, like some type of awful and heart stopping nightmare. In this video we take a deep dive and explain Season 5 of Netflix/Peter Morgan's "The Crown" reviewing its connection to the real royal family, history, and . Minister Lee. The Crowned Clown [1] ( Korean : ) is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Yeo Jin-goo, Kim Sang-kyung, and Lee Se-young. Then they reunited in death and walked off into the sunset. His death scene was really great. Perhaps because of unavoidable comparison, CROWNED CLOWN has come up a bit short. The whole idea was for the clown to step in temporarily because they are bound by the custom and rules of that time period. ???? Jang Gwang. She asks the little girl where she learned to make a wish like that, and the girl says a man who was passing by taught her. But if its boring, nvm. For me, the difference between Minister Lees decisions to end a life and Minister Shins or the queen dowagers is the intent. This is not his fault; he is not a real person. Woon-shim is allowed to say goodbye, and she sobs that she thought they would finally be together. He pauses in the courtyard for just a moment, then steps off the brick path and walks away, a relaxed smile on his face for the first time in years. There was a king and one of the his guards at the door looked very much like him, an uncanny resemblance. 4. What is the limit between good and bad? In the history of my country we also have a story like that. HAECHI is my only live watch right now. Nevertheless, it takes me a while to get my thoughts in order, so I don't comment in a timely fashion. Heh. But Minister Shin and the queen dowager convinced themselves that their crimes were righteous and that they were morally innocent, when in reality they only wanted power and revenge. Enjoy it all you want. The Crowned Clown had so much potential, but most of it was gone by the second half of the drama. FB.init({ But from what I gather, they didn't. At times he made me forget that it was fiction. I enjoyed the it. Rumors say there was a clown with the face of the king, and that he was alive, but none of them was revealed to be true. Without him, we wouldn't have a clown to be crowned. Why did he leave the palace without guards? But this show decided to ignore one crucial part of this premise. also, thanks to the author for the recap. That too, out of desperation I would have taken as some sort of poetic justice, because Yi Heon died so Ha Seon could be king, and Ha Seon died because of Yi Heon's crimes against the Queen Dowager. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. It would have been nice to have more info on who retrieved his body and nursed him back to health and where. As for Moo-young he died with his boots on. (link to my Episode 8 write up because it wasnt letting me do it as a word hyperlink: ). And thats really poor writing. He holds his own well, but neither of them sees the archers who sneak around behind Ha Sun and fire two arrows into his back. If they had planned to make Ha-Sun abdicate the at the very least I wish they could've introduced his successor before so it didn't feel like he came outta nowhere. Gimme a break! The first scene in this episode sets the tone. He doesnt have long to ponder it though as Sin Chi Soo makes his move and, along with a handful of rebels, storms the palace in a bid to take him out of the loop once and for all. In January of the Year of the Black Pig, the king suppressed the rebel forces and ruled the nation wisely. I guess my only questions are: Why? I initially thought they should have kept yi heon for few more episodes which i mentioned in my comments under ep 8. The episode ends with a long anticipated reunion and one final glimpse of the sunset. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Shes decided to leave the gibang, and she tells Ho-geol that she intends to travel and just enjoy life for a while. I give it a 10+++. Why kill officer Jang So random. Ha Sun kept his nose to the grindstone, and lined up a successor. I really liked to see how the generosity of this character touched the people around him. Yeo Jin-goo. Was glad when I saw Officer Jang want to accompany him, but then when those assassins attacked I was like????? Ha Sun was a good king, and he could have been a great king, but he wasnt a happy king. In fact it reached 2 digit ratings even afterwards. After all if the really great episodes the ending was puzzling. Then, both Jang and the King could have remained somewhere and tended to their wounds. Showing Haksan in such slow-motion looked a bit off to me. As an audience, it was too easy to see these things in modern-day context instead of the context of the time period, where often, getting rid of someone, though a heinous choice, was often the only choice to protect the power of the throne (and thus the people). The acting was superb, the scenery was beautiful and the story was different from its source material. I too loved MLSHR, BUT I enjoyed it WHILE knowing and recognising its flaws. As So Woon is unable to bear children, Ha Sun decides to leave the throne to a more worthy contender, proclaiming he was only borrowing the throne temporarily and never fully deserved the accolade. , like some type of awful and heart stopping nightmare see you back on the comment section < 3 soldiers... Jang and the story was different from its source material, too many details, or.... Please enter your username or email address 's wonderful to see Jang Gwang reprise his film role as king! 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