rochdale grooming case

BBC Ones new drama Three Girls launched on Tuesday to five million viewers. When police were called to a report of a 15-year-old girl smashing up the Balti House takeaway in Heywood, they had no idea that the crime they had uncovered would become a national scandal. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Later, Rochdale sexual health worker Sara Rowbotham told an inquiry that all the girls had been treated appallingly by protective services. But before what turned out to be the final interview, Oliver says she started to notice a change in tone from senior officers, and felt they were now deliberately trying to push this victim away. Copley said: "We apologise to the victims and we give them our assurance that lessons have been learned, changes have been made and we are determined to use this to continue making improvements. Taxi drivers with nick-names like Car Zero and Master Aziz, a pillar of Rochdale's Pakistani community known as Tiger and a Muslim preacher were . It revealed that some CSC staff have been subjected to disciplinary action, although no-one is thought to have been sacked. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. In a disused hotel ballroom just off the M60 in Greater Manchester, she describes to us how the authorities knew she was at risk, but failed to stop the abuse. But she added: "They're just brainwashing you so you think you love them so you do what they say. [7] A former Detective Constable who was investigating the grooming gangs, Margaret Oliver, resigned in 2012 in disgust of the handling of the cases by the police force and spoke out as a whistleblower to inform the public. had learned about the investigation but after approaching GMP we were told to hold off until the victims had been spoken to. [55], Last edited on 19 February 2023, at 10:03, UCL Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, List of sexual abuses perpetrated by groups, Post-assault treatment of sexual assault victims, "Rochdale grooming trial: gang convicted for sex trafficking", "Rochdale child sex ring case: respected men who preyed on the vulnerable", "Rochdale grooming trial: Nine found guilty of child sex charges", "Rochdale grooming trial: how the case unfolded", "Rochdale child sex ring: did political correctness delay justice? But because of an obligation to disclose criminal convictions, she has been prevented from pursuing her chosen career. The women, who cannot be named for. The abuse then continued, with a number of men who she had not seen before joining in. She had worked on Operation Augusta in 2004 which examined the sexual abuse of white girls by Asian men in Hulme and Rusholme. I think it was because they were afraid of being called racist. "He asked me to come upstairs and I didn't really think anything of it," she explained. UK News US News World News Weird News Real Life More Hopeful TeamDogs In Your Area. "[54], One of the seven officers retired without any sanctions being taken, even though his misconduct was found to have warranted disciplinary action. Running though them is repeated mentions of the fact that many in authority believed that the girls had brought the abuse on themselves. Rochdale is also being considered as part of the Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse, which is examining whether authorities across the country took the problem seriously. There were therefore many still walking free that had evaded detection. Nine men from Rochdale and Oldham were sentenced for up to 19 years in prison in May 2012 after being convicted of offences including rape. One victim, a 15-year-old known as the Honey Monster, acted as a recruiter, procuring girls as young as 13 for the gang. In October 2010 the M.E.N. Charity Victim Support's chief executive Javed Khan said: "It is utterly unacceptable that, instead of protecting these vulnerable young victims from sexual exploitation, the authorities judged, blamed and disbelieved them and their families and, in doing so, exposed these victims to further abuse. [33] After members of the Rochdale gang were sentenced, the UK's Department for Education announced new funding for a specialist foster care scheme to protect vulnerable children in residential care, where some victims had been. At best this was distracting for leaders and influenced the areas that resources were focused on". Id been used. One delivered a takeaway to my house a few weeks back, she tells me. Even though she had been a victim, she was accused of being involved in the grooming. He said the actions of criminals who thought "white teenage girls are worthless and can be abused" were "bringing shame on our community. I trusted police that I would be helped this time. A significant proportion of cases were labelled as no further action needed and the leadership team were not interested in childrens social care. [16], The trial concluded in May 2012 with the nine convictions. Of the three not convicted, one was cleared of all charges, the jury was unable to reach a verdict in the case of the second, and the third was not present at the trial after fleeing to Pakistan whilst on bail. Why's nothing happened to the police? The gang of nine men received jail sentences of between four and 19 years from a judge who said they treated their victims as though they were worthless and beyond any respect. She has forced the police and social services to apologise to her for their behaviour. 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Rochdale grooming gang members could be deported to Pakistan; . A June 2008 report to Rochdale safeguarding children board had identified 50 children at risk of sexual exploitation. "[37][38] Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, accused elders of the Pakistani community of "burying their heads in the sand" on the matter of sexual grooming. Jailing them, Judge Gerald Clifton said: You have all been convicted by the jury after a long trial of grave sexual offences which were committed between the spring of 2008 and 2010. She not only suffered at the time [of the abuse] but she continues to suffer because of the criminal records. Sign up and we will email you daily with the best of our political and news coverage while also giving you a taste of our most-popular lifestyle, opinion and personal blogs. [7] Actress Lesley Sharp played the police detective Margaret Oliver in the series. The apology was made after a review by the Independent Police Complaints Commission "examined the conduct and actions of 13 officers who were involved in Operation Span and the policing of Rochdale Division." Job Description. [36], In a BBC documentary investigating grooming young girls for sex by some Pakistani men, Imam Irfan Chishti from the Rochdale Council of Mosques deplored the practice, saying it was "very shocking to see fellow British Muslims brought to court for this kind of horrific offence. The police were called. Why the Rochdale 'grooming trial' wasn't about race Focusing on the ethnicity of the men convicted of child sex offences in Rochdale detracts from the real issue: this was ultimately about. The probe began after a local teenager was arrested for smashing up a cabinet at the Balti . But once the CPS advised the GMP that she was no longer seen as a suspect, she was persuaded by Oliver to begin a series of video interviews and ID parades. Back in the police station, the girl who had just vandalised the takeaway provided a detailed account of the abuse and the perpetrators as well as evidence in the form of her underwear, which carried traces of one of her attackers' DNA. Handout pictures released by Greater Manchester police in 2012 show eight of nine men convicted in connection with the child sexual exploitation ring. Speaking before the airing of a new BBC1 drama, Three Girls - which tells the story of three victims in the 2012 Rochdale sex grooming case - Margaret Oliver said police had still not learned. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. [2], The victims, vulnerable teenagers from deprived, dysfunctional backgrounds, were targeted in "honeypot locations" where young people congregated, such as takeaway food shops. In May 2012, nine men from Rochdale were convicted and jailed for grooming girls with alcohol, drugs and gifts before forcing them to have sex with multiple men. A June 2008 report identified 50 children in the town at risk of sexual exploitation. The victims, many of whom were from difficult backgrounds and therefore particularly vulnerable, were plied with drugs, alcohol and fast food, and then taken to chill houses across the north of England to be abused. [1] The abusers paid small sums of money for the encounters. On one occasion he ordered a girl aged 15 to have sex with Kabeer Hassan, as a "treat" for his birthday Hassan then raped the girl. She says they got into a fight and he hit her in the face. "We have got a number of girls in Rochdale that we believe are being abused and many of them will not talk to us and, even if they did, will not tell us about what is happening and certainly don't want to make a complaint because that means they go into the criminal justice system.". A serious case review by the Rochdale. "[3], Sayeeda Warsi, co-chairperson of the Conservative Party, in an interview with the Evening Standard, said "You can only start solving a problem if you acknowledge it first," and added, "This small minority who see women as second class citizens, and white women probably as third class citizens, are to be spoken out against." Stephen Watson says force had lacked professional curiosity when it came to young victims of grooming gangs 19 Apr 2022 Rochdale victim: 'I was groomed at 14, then the courts came for my. You have only got my kind here. He said that of convictions involving child sexual exploitation, 87% were of British Pakistani men and it was a significant problem for that community. A serious case review by the Rochdale. 2023 BBC. He said the investigation was looking at cases in Rochdale dating back to 2003. The NSPCC offers support to children on 0800 1111, and adults concerned about a child on 0808 800 5000. "Even though I was kicking and screaming in the back [of the police van] saying 'he's hit me or he's raped me', I was always the one that got arrested. The skinny 15-year-old girl was arrested and taken to the police station but then spent six hours pouring her heart out about precisely why she had acted in such an antisocial manner. Why can't I get a job? "I felt let down," she said. "I know they believed me, they said to me at the end that something should have been done.". It drew statistics from organisations such as Barnardo's but the findings were considered inconclusive by expert academics because not all the figures had been compiled in the same way and ethnicity had not always been noted with each reported crime. Man United beat West Ham in the fifth round of the FA Cup on Wednesday and we'll bring you live reaction from the match. [53], On 13 March 2015, Greater Manchester Police apologised for its failure to investigate child sexual exploitation allegations more thoroughly between 2008 and 2010. "Most people would say it is crazy that there are 17 or 18 different agencies in a place like Rochdale in charge of children," he said. Craving love and attention, Amber was lured into a nightmare, subjected to repeated and often violent sexual abuse. Of the 56 offenders convicted since 1997 for crimes relating to on-street grooming of girls aged 11 to 16, three were white, 53 were Asian of which 50 were Muslim, and most were from the British Pakistani community. At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. "She yearns to put her awful experiences to some value. The first victim, who was 15 when the abuse began, told the police what had been happening to her in August 2008. Instead, when she became upset and disruptive, she was arrested and later convicted of disorderly behaviour. Nine men have each been sentenced to up to 25 years in jail for a catalogue of serious sexual offences against teenage girls in Rochdale, exposed following widespread media coverage of grooming. "[36] Narey rejected the idea that such gangs were specifically targeting white girls, but suggested vulnerable girls on the street were more likely to be white since Asian girls were subjected to strict parenting and were more likely to be kept off the streets. 2023 BBC. "At first I thought it was great because nothing sexual had happened, I thought I could just get all of this stuff for free.". It was not until summer 2011 that Nazir Afzal, the new regional head of the CPS, reversed the decision not to prosecute. Girls aged between 13 and 15 were trafficked, prostituted, raped and assaulted by the gang. But she changed her mind when Operation Span came knocking and she was given cast iron assurances the victims would be supported. Rochdale grooming case: what really happened? Research has found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white. Were told 84% of grooming gangs are Asian. But the consequences of what happened to her are still preventing her from moving on with her life. Stephen Watson, chief constable of Greater Manchester police, made a personal apology to three of the Rochdale victims. "The report paints a shocking picture of the inability of these agencies to protect these young people successfully," said Jane Booth, chair of the safeguarding board. May stated the revocations were "conducive to the public good". I'm only a kid - why is it always me? Five of the girls had "clearly" needed help and intervention by safeguarding agencies before the abuse began, the report said. The ID parades were particularly gruelling for Amber, who did 12 in one day alone, correctly identifying 10 of her abusers. She noted that white male predators on the street tend to work alone. He shouted in court, "Where are the white people? And more than that, she was among a band of white girls who were being specifically targeted by a gang of largely Pakistani-heritage men because, as the trial judge would later acknowledge, the mens victims were not of your community or religion. One of their victims tells her story. Between 2008 and 2010, a child abuse ring that came to be known as part of the grooming gang phenomenon operated in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. She later went on to positively identify a number of offenders, which enabled charges to be brought against them all. Nine men of mainly Pakistani. "[32], The former head of Barnardo's, Martin Narey, said on BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "For this particular type of crime, the street grooming of teenage girls in northern towns there is very troubling evidence that Asians are overwhelmingly represented in the prosecutions for such offences. [I] cant remember exactly what they said, but it was something along the lines of being a madam, she recalled. One example mentioned was the issue of child protection for one of the victims, which was discussed in 40 meetings, without any record of police attendance. They contend that clouding the issue by calling them "Asians" is unfair towards other groups and detrimental to a frank discussion. [52], In December 2013, the case review by Rochdale County was leaked, which highlighted findings from an internal police investigation. Read about our approach to external linking. I shouldve been helped, not punished.. Actress Maxine Peake starred in the series as Sara Rowbotham, the sexual health aid worker who first uncovered the patterns of severe abuse in the area, but struggled to bring it to the attention of authorities. This vulnerable girl had been failed.. This eventually led to the successful prosecution of nine men for offences included rape, trafficking girls for sex and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child. Sir Peter said Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd has set up an independent commission to look into the handling of cases involving teenagers with chaotic lifestyles. In response to Ambers claim that it was wrong to name her on the indictment, it says it was both legally and tactically the correct course to take. [1][8] Most of the men were married and well-respected within their community. By then police were investigating allegations from another girl about on-street grooming in Heywood. She walked out, refusing to go along with this decision, and was forbidden from speaking to Amber. She told me: Police werent arsed with us, really. Nine men were found guilty and sentenced to a total of 77 years in prison. Five years later she won an apology and compensation from social services. Read about our approach to external linking. He said there was no doubt she was a victim of horrendous abuse and exploitation and he accepted that the police response "could and should have been better". She told me: So it didnt happen to anybody else. Three Girls review a brave new focus on the Rochdale child sexual abuse scandal, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Torrance, CA. The report came on the same day five men were jailed for grooming a teenage girl. However, it is not possible to conclude that this is representative of all group-based CSE offending. The organisation defined underage grooming as any situation where a child or young person received a gift in exchange for sexual favours. Speaking at the conclusion of a 10-week trial at Liverpool Crown. The perpetrators would pass the girls to their friends, often to settle a debt. I was like, 'why are you not listening? "The biggest issue to come out of this report is that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) were effectively discriminating against poor, white, working-class girls, so that's not about a failure to spot abuse, that is about actively ignoring abuse that was going on when it was brought to their attention," he said. "It will always be there, but I know how to deal with it," she said. Cryer said, "Neither the police nor social services would touch those cases. One 13-year-old victim became pregnant and had an abortion. In 2017, the BBC aired the drama "Three Girls" which featured the story of . At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. We were making referrals from 2004, very explicit referrals, referrals which absolutely highlighted for protective services that young people were incredibly vulnerable, she said. [47] However this report was "fiercely" criticised for its unscientific nature and poor methodology by child sexual exploitation experts Ella Cockbain and Waqas Tufail, in their paper "Failing Victims, Fuelling Hate: Challenging the Harms of the 'Muslim grooming gangs' Narrative" which was published in January 2020. Nine men of mainly Pakistani heritage were convicted in 2012 after a long, complex trial for offences that happened in and around Rochdale in 2008 and 2009. 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"We have to remember that in most of those cases, the girls themselves did not regard themselves as victims and were not willing to make complaints and that is still the situation now," he said. Sheer lack of resource, and also the fact that their bosses seemed reluctant to grasp the nettle for fear of being branded racist, contributed to delays in the investigation. [1] Forty-seven girls were identified as victims of child sexual exploitation during the police investigation. Following a trial at Liverpool Crown Court, nine men were convicted in May 2012. Child sexual exploitation has been uncovered in towns, cities and counties all over the country and it affects both girls and boys from all backgrounds. Some of the men involved were arrested, tried and found guilty. There was a "shocking" inability to protect seven vulnerable girls from sexual exploitation, a report into the Rochdale grooming case has said. Assistant Chief Constable Steve Heywood said that about 550 officers were working on Operation Doublet in May 2013. One victim was forced to have sex with at least 20 men in one night; another was forced to drink vodka, and was vomiting over the side of the bed while being raped by countless men. "This is something I feel very strongly about," she says. Despite one victim going to the police in 2008 to report the child grooming, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) decided not to prosecute two men, invoking the witness's lack of credibility. Finally, after a gruelling 18 months and several hearings, the judge threw the case out. [14] The CPS's original decision was overturned in 2011 when a new chief prosecutor for the region, Nazir Afzal, a first generation British-Pakistani,[15] was appointed. One father called Children's Social Care (CSC) up to 50 times, reporting his daughter's "uncontrollable drinking, running away and difficult behaviour". They ripped away all my dignity". Instead of being seen as a victim, Daisy was arrested and prosecuted for offences - many directly linked to the abuse she was suffering. [5], In March 2015, Greater Manchester Police apologised for its failure to investigate the child sexual exploitation allegations more thoroughly between 2008 and 2010. Social services became involved when she started to arrive at school dirty and sometimes smelling of alcohol. THE SICK leader of the Rochdale child sex abuse ring is serving a 22-year prison sentence for his role in the gang. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. A chance to stop the gang was missed in 2008 and both the police and the CPS were forced to apologise for their failings. Her evidence helped put abusers behind bars, yet Amber was vilified by the authorities and says her torment will never end. "He then was saying all the things he had bought for me, and he wanted something back for it. But when the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) reviewed the case in summer 2009, it was decided that the girl "would not be viewed as a credible witness" - a decision not appealed against by GMP - and no prosecution was brought. . These involved the grooming and sexual exploitation of several girls, aged in their early teens. Afterwards, she told me: I went home, put it to the back of my mind to be honest. Officers on the Rochdale division were under pressure at the time to hit volume crime targets like bringing down the number of burglaries and were overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the grooming problem they had uncovered. A new investigation, dubbed Operation Span, was launched. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) investigated Kabeer Hassan and another man, aged 59. [8] The victims, plied with drugs and alcohol, were passed around friends and family,[18] and taken to various locations in the north of England, including Rochdale, Oldham, Nelson, Bradford and Leeds. "[45], In May 2017, the BBC broadcast Three Girls, a miniseries about the case. The men, she said, were friendly at first, simply chatting with the girls now and again in a takeaway shop. The exposure of the grooming, sexual assault and trafficking of young girls in Rochdale was made public in 2012. But in court, she was portrayed by the prosecution and defence as an assistant pimp. I push thoughts about the abuse out of my head. [1] One 13-year-old victim recounted that, after being forced to have sex in exchange for vodka, her abuser immediately raped her again and gave her 40 to not say anything about the incident. A second serious case review looked at a separate case involving a seventh girl. There was a "shocking" inability to protect seven vulnerable girls from sexual exploitation, a report into the Rochdale grooming case has said. Amber was understandably reluctant to trust the police. The Rochdale case was one of several cases which prompted investigations looking into the claim that "the majority of the perpetrators have been British Pakistani"; the first was by Quilliam in December 2017, which released a report entitled "Group Based Child Sexual Exploitation - Dissecting Grooming Gangs", which claimed 84% of offenders were She gave the police a list, at an early stage of Operation Span, with nicknames, telephone numbers and other details relating to offenders. She added: "The danger with saying that the problem is with one ethnicity is that then people will only be on the lookout for that group and will risk missing other threats. etween 2008 and 2010, a child abuse ring that came to be known as part of the grooming gang phenomenon operated in Rochdale. After the trials conclusion, there were public apologies from the police, the council and prosecutors for failing the victims. Kabeer Hassan was sentenced to nine years for rape and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with children. The arrests are in relation to one of the five girls who gave evidence at Liverpool Crown Court in the case of a child sex grooming ring in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. The testimony of one of the five victims of the Rochdale grooming ring revealed the depth of the exploitation she suffered. , Amber was lured into a nightmare, subjected to repeated and often violent sexual abuse exploitation of several,! Out of my head that something should have been done. `` dating back to 2003 jailed for a... Another girl about on-street grooming in Heywood Ones new drama Three girls, aged 59 involved arrested. Grooming gangs are Asian frank discussion her chosen career aired the drama & quot ; Three &! 45 ], the trial concluded in May 2013 one delivered a takeaway shop the prosecution and defence an... 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