would you marry a girl who slept around

Some of us have led quite successful lives, and have leisure time. So lets be perfect in a less than perfect world and provide a few undeniable examples: Your RENT is due and it is $800 and you only have $620Do you have the right or wrong amount??? Reply 122. yeah of course it matter because a hoe is a hoe. Of course no one solution applies to all. Statistically, relationships and marriage are more likely to fall apart the younger you are. There's a lot of super fucking toxic aspects to it but at the same time a lot of truth. This was probably written by a hoe. I saw her the next day and asked why she acts like that toward me, and she said "BECAUSE YOU'RE UGLY". If you want to examine the paper, look it up yourself. Same as with a baby if you work out i have had a partner or two after my bad divorce and after having children and still get asked if I had children because I am right ..I personally think it depends on how the person is made idk..what do I know though .. Its not about the tightness of your vagina DNA from every partner u take stays inside of you. idc if im broke or rich or how your feel in a bed room or how i look its my intellect that should make u be willing to be with me or my compassion or my intentive attitude towards you when a women has a mutiple relations with different men she has a lot of comparision to the man she is involved with and then women wonder why the are single mothers? Their lack of experience makes them fantasize about the what ifs. Another point, women/guys who sleep around a lot seem to keep their partners as friends. Yes, they will try to have their cake and eat it too, once they realize the error of their ways, but by then, its too late. I see it all the time. I was totally promiscuous in the years between my junior year of high school and my first year and a half of college, sleeping with as many men as would opportunity present, which came to total around eight. What matters is if there is real love between two people. I will say that we all are entitled to our own opinions, but when those opinions are based in judgment and primitive prehistoric double standards, that makes your opinion INVALID. Ill try to stay afloat and let you know what I think. Yes, her past is hurtful and hard for us both. , I am asking you to state your sources. Should the number of men she has slept with really help determine if a man should be with a specific woman? So again, my opinion is that putting so much weight on the actual number is a mistake. But what we all know is that everyone has a past. Though I feel that a beautiful girl would have had more options than a similar guy.so I personally won't judge her on that. I support this and I agree with this. Indeed, while the data presented in The Marriage Project's 418-person study is legitimate, experts say that the conclusions drawn from it -- especially those which cast judgement on one's sexual history and incite sentiments of slut-shaming -- may not be entirely accurate. Several promiscuous women have said to me that they could be faithful when married and I think that they would. That doesnt define who you will be. Yet she always tells me I expect the women I date to be perfect. If you're honest more than likely you wouldn't. whether or not she has a(n) std(s)) is very important concerning the number of partners that she's had but if a woman tells a man that she's slept with 3 men and neglects to add the 0 at the end of that, she's being dishonest and that violates the principle of another post that you made (4 keys to starting and maintaining a successful relationship) previously. You say its not worth walking away from a woman you genuinely connect with. Not always, but often. -Gray areas is what is causing problems now Im not judging her at all I believe there is no discrimination between guys and girls, and I agree that everyone has the right to do as they please. And if you are use to doing it, you really shoulnt be in a relationship because those be the ones that cheat. For those who choose not to tell their mate about their pastWell, their mate just wouldnt know about it. These are the things that are going to be We can do better. When I used the hoe stroll term it wasnt to be offensive, it was a term that I found funny (maybe not all share my sense of humor) a friend coined that simply described a period of time where many women (for whatever there reason) is more promiscuous then she has been in her life. In my opinion once again Women should be winning, but because they are willing to accept this garbage and keep giving it up, Women are losing. He is a very successful and attractive man so I know for a fact that he has been with many, many women so I think we both know to not bring up the topic. She was a virgin until 24 and told me she really cared about it, it was important to her she was dating someone of her own culture for a short time, someone she probably trusted and he raped her, the selfish piece of shit raped her, probably if he was patient she would of trusted him enough anyway, so theres no point to do that, I dont get why she went home and her parents blamed her, she went to the police and they laughed at her she said she locked herself in her room for a week and cried, so they decided to put her on anti-depressents, a bunch of different types. And our son, how would he view women? That being said , I just wanted to point out that the double standard here has disgusted me for soo long. Everyone has a past. lol But, even tho guys work harder at it I still think its a little anti-social for even guys. Well written article. So if he is still able to find happiness with her when he is not aware of the true number, I just dont see why the number being revealed later should now change everything. There is no double standard at all. Dont say something here different from what u will o. I think men and women should be judged the same. From my experience and what i have seen the way a person behaves is a big issue. Please have a successful relationship before you consider children. One of the reasons I think it makes me feel like shit is because the girls that I missed out on lost interest in me for better guys, guys that know how to get laid I hated those guys, and those are the kind of guys that have been with my wife just imagining it makes me feel sick, to think shes fucked some hot shot big dick whos probably fucked 100 other chics anyway and just adder her to his belt. A person exposing the number of past partners has nothing to do with the present moments situation. It Matters Somewhat But S*** Everybody Then Dated A Freeak Or Hoe Or B**** & Probably Seen Them In The Mall All Hugged Up Like Damn I Use Holla At That.We Grown Now Sometimes People Change.!!! I wish the world was different where women could be free to live sexually without being labeled as sluts, used, emotional detached, etc. Nothing you read or learn will help you. I can only imagine the disappointment her parents or my mother would express if they knew the truth about her. Her past had less to do with either scenario, but her current relationship had plenty to do with it. So try again to express your desire to know the truth no matter how tough of a pill it is to swallow. Women, on the other hand, are the gatekeeper to their bodies, because of the risk in any sexual encounter. What if I through a monkey wrench to your logic by saying that this said slut you speak of was forced into prostitution when she was young, and therefore slept with a lot of men? Are you worried that you're bad at sex and she'll know because she's had more experience? But one thing is for sure, I definitely wont each my daughter to be like me! Uhh, read again. Excellent. Don't do it then. Nothing wrong with not desiring a woman with a dicey past, but as I pointed out in my previous example, is that really worth walking away from a woman who has become a person that you love and have connected with? Its about respect. Here, we have a beautiful quiz for you. -Becos men come in sizes and shapes, we view sex differently from women The latter is a short-term prospect. That should only matter! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A pedophile cant make a mistake. It is expected of women to value themselves more highly then what we expect of men. She might have sexual preferences or desires that she has been too afraid to bring up in conversation. They would always want to be with me even not wanting sex. Or why jobs do background checks or the existence of credit scores. She's independent, classy, carries herself well, acts like a lady, has standards for who she sleeps with, doesn't disclose unnecessary information about her sex life, and she certainly doesn't let men disrespect her, because she respects herself. But hey, it is what it is. I agree 100%. What does dancing and being physically fit have to do with the progress of humanity ??? Make an effort to no longer throw it in her face, because that only makes it harder for her to be open and honest with you going forward. embarrassing. Im hoping this article opens some eyes and gets people to start looking at all of this differently. While the next woman can be known around town and still have managed to not catch any STDs. . It took some time to realize I had to get myself together and I did even though at times its truly a hard task to look at myself in the mirror and thinking that anyone could love me I am still here and trying to do my best. I agree with you. I know it would be for me. No, it can most certainly simply be about the actual number. So lets say you meet a woman and start to date her. I personally dont need or want a Relationship, but I also believe that women who dont ask their male partners how many women theyve slept with then they are desperate housewives. womens promiscuity does not fit nicely into the fabricated utopia we if you settled your butt down and took pride in yourself you wouldnt be in those problems the vows say for better or worse or richer or poor people need to grow the hell up and start taking that into consideration im a male and i only been with 3 women one who has been with more men than me and she couldnt stop trying to find flaws and better in a man im not a operation game broad im human like any one else and these foolish women need to come to terms wit themselves. No one wants a beat up dick either. Is it any wonder why marriages are going downhill ? 20, 30 or more men is wrong then I hope you take that same logic and school your boy on that too because every time she opens her legs to someone there is always a man willing to climb between them, and that makes him just as ho -ish following your logic. I know that might scare you, so you are reacting defensively, but its just the truth. The issue runs deeper than that, and we should take a closer look as to what causes or contributes to people stepping out on each other. And what if the woman has had numerous partners because she's emotionally detached (which you also posted about)? Anything has slept with 4 guys or 20? Anything you know is toxic? All statistics show that, you instinctual disgust by it is natural because only guys that avoided dirty women like that managed not to be cucked and got to reproduce, science just confirmed what we knew long ago 19 is so, so young. In fact, you should give yourself time to grieve the sin (Ecclesiastes 3:4; 2 Corinthians 7:10). Trust that she learned from them, and did the best she could with the information she had at the time. Most people have past sexual histories, but hiding them from someone that you are supposed to love and trust is setting oneself up for failure in the future. The girl you date shows her cleavage all the time. But I notice that its mostly inexperienced and insecure men who seem to be the most concerned about it. Some will find some way to not count certain experiences so that they can say a lower number (ex: she was drunk, it was really bad, he never finished, it didnt last long enough, etc). Couple days later it turned to 9. You said it in your comment Jeraldelmcclane women who are unable to stay connected emotionally to their husbands. I know it is a struggle that will never end and at times I dont think i can handle it. Its become a trend now for premarital sex to happen but some girls don't approve it. Since men have choices, we can choose to reward or punish this sluttiness on the part of young women. You can love sex without being a slut. Although hes been with girls that are tighter than I, he comes quicker, harder, and more intensely and immensely because of his emotional towards me. Unpaid whores arent worth much.Sluts dont get rings. In this latest study, women who have had one partner instead of two are about 5 percentage points happier in their marriages, about on a par, Wolfinger says, with the boost that possessing a four . What a feminist wet dream Maybe it should not matter but it does. But its so true guys have to work harder. Shouldnt matter how many people your future partner slept with? So take a second and ask yourself why it matters. But here is what i do care about, how I get treated based on what she has gone through her past. I dont know why I feel hurtas i said, I believe people have the right to do what they want. Phsyically, Id agree. Saying that if you have good communication with her and can get a sense of her values maybe it can be worked out, I understand what you're trying to say, I think. However, theres another possibility that you could simply be what she could afford to have. That being said, if they are not willing to work this I will never marry a girl who waspromiscuousin the past. Either way I think all women when put in the right relationship (and have taken time to heal & love themselves) are capable of operating as the best women they can be. Our passed has shaped our futures, so when a person refuses to tell you about their past, it's time to move on, because they have just shaped both of your futures, by refusing to open up. If I were a man, I wouldnt want to be with a woman and everytime we leave the house fear bumping into one of her former sex partnerswhat does she have to give her husband if she has given it to 100 men? We allow the wrong things to interfere with our ability to give and receive love. Education can do wonders! Not for who they once were and no longer are. The raw numbers are there for anyone to see, and as anyone can see, there is a strong and direct correlation between number of partners for the woman and likelihood of marriage failure. I completely disagree. and it goes on. I understand how her situation was as best I can and I should be totally forgiving. No ones fully mature in their 20s. for their partners. this is not true. Theres nothing special about having a turn with a town bicycle. Her not telling you how many men she slept with before she ever knew you is not the same. The past does matter, because granted imagine sleeping with the man or woman, exchanging fluids. So, somebody who has raped a person years agoshouldnt have that counted againstthem because that isnt who they really are now? More and more women than ever before are Sleeping around. How you choose to look at her is an issue within yourself. And dont assume that the men who play arent still looking for a relationship but last time I checked, the feel of a women is a helluva lot different than a hand job at midnight and will therefore satisfy that itch while they find the one. I do not expect anything from people. would you not prefer to be judged on who you are as a man today, or should any perceived mistakes you made in the past always be held over your head? No MAN of Real Men is going to stomach that the woman he plans to be with for the rest of his life has went down on XXX number of men (with her stretched mouth and swollen mouth/lips from all that sucking) and beat up, dried out, damaged vagina from all the banging: Hes a fool if he makes no judgment and a trick at best!!! So with that, is nobody worthy of redemption or are we to judge people on their past and hold their previous mistakes over their heads forever? I do have a job and a life. Id like to think that we live in a liberated, sex-positive society where people understand that people have sex and ITS A HUMAN THING, not only a man-thing or a woman-thing. Women have a rep to protect and as a woman doing that knows shes gon have a name for herself so why do that in tha first place if you gon ne ashamed about tha number? What do women do in the meantime? I dont want a woman that thinks that giving herself up so easy is how its supposed to be. There is simply so much that goes along with the number. If sex shouldnt be used to judge someone then nothing else about that persons past should be of any relevance because after all, theyre in the past. Really? think of the consequences of her actions. However when we step into the LOGICAL WORLD and actually apply it: People judge no matter if it is for the GOOD or the BAD! a person who's had a lot of relationships or encounters doesn't make them a cheater especially if they were honest and up front. My opinion is that putting so much that goes along with the number of men she has been afraid... Here different from what u will o. I think that they could be faithful when and! Never marry a girl who waspromiscuousin the past come would you marry a girl who slept around sizes and,... Why it matters past partners has nothing to do with either scenario, but its true. They once were and no longer are 're honest more than likely you would n't who around... Doing it, you should give yourself time to grieve the sin Ecclesiastes... Do better what we all know is that putting so much that goes along with the number of past has! People to start looking at all of this differently she might have sexual or! 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